can"t get out of infinite while loop
am 17.08.2007 22:14:53 von rsarpiNeed your help please.
This is what it does:
This script takes files out of one directory. Moves the files out of
the source_dir, puts them into a bridge_dir, adds extension tmp while
there, then moves the files into the destination_dir removing the tmp
extension. It checks the source_dir for new files every 10 seconds.
To get into the infinite loop, I write to a file the "on" status
If it finds the "on" status (1), gets into the loop until that
condition changes.
It reads the file every time it gets into the loop to see if the
condition changed to "off" (0). When you send the --red switch, it
will write to a file the "off" status (0);
However, the second time it tries to read the file, it complains
saying that the file does not exist. What the hell? it just read a
second ago? Why is it saying that the file isn't there? the file is
If you have a better way to get out of the loop please let me know.
I need wisdom and enlightenment.
$ perl --green
writing switch on
switch on written
reading status file
condition equals 1
getting into loop
inside of loop pass. Reading status file
ready to sleep for 10 seconds
inside of loop pass. Reading status file
Uncaught exception from user code:
No such file or directory at line 145.
main::do_Green() called at line 60
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use diagnostics;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::localtime;
my $status_file = "trafficLight.status";
my $switch_on = "1";
my $switch_off = "0";
my $source_dir_path = "/home/monk/source_dir";
my $destination_dir_path = "/home/monk/destination_dir";
my $bridge_path = "/home/monk/bridge";
my $PICKUP_INTERVAL = 10; #seconds expressed in integers
my $extension = ".tmp"; #extension added to files while on the
bridge. It can be *.tmp
#define parameters for the help menu
my $help = "";
my $green = "";
my $red = "";
GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'green' => \$green, 'red' => \$red );
if ($help) {
elsif ($green) {
elsif ($red) {
else {
sub printHelp {
my $help = q{
Processes files from one directory to another.
--help [ -h ] [ --h ] : prints this help
--green [ -g ] [ --green ] : process the files
--red [ -r ] [ --red ] : stop processing files killing
the process
Usage: perl [--help\-h\--h] [--green\-g\--g] [--red\-r
print $help;
#write status ON to a file for green light
print "writing switch on\n";
sleep 7;
open( SWITCH, "> $status_file" ) or die "Problem writing to
$status_file file...$!";
print SWITCH $switch_on;
print "switch on written\n";
sleep 7;
my $condition;
sub do_Green {
#flush my buffers
#$| = 1;
print "reading status file\n";
sleep 5;
open( SWITCH, $status_file ) or die "Process has been exited already
while (
$condition = $_;
close SWITCH;
print "condition equals $condition\n";
print "getting into loop\n";
sleep 7;
while ( $condition == 1 ) {
print "inside of loop pass. Reading status file\n";
sleep 5;
open( SWITCHAGAIN, $status_file ) or die $!;
while (
$condition = $_;
#set up dirhandles
opendir( SOURCEDIR, $source_dir_path )
or die "Problem accessing the source directory...$!";
#get in there
chdir $source_dir_path;
#put files in an array skipping the . and .. files
my @xfiles = grep !/^\./, readdir(SOURCEDIR);
#we close the dirhandle
foreach (@xfiles) {
move( $_, $bridge_path ) or die "Nothing really to worry about.
Files are moving.";
#add tmp extension
opendir( BRIDGEDIR, $bridge_path )
or die "Problem passing files to the bridge directory...$!";
chdir $bridge_path;
my @bridge_files = grep !/^\./, readdir(BRIDGEDIR);
my $old_filename;
#we rename each file individually
foreach (@bridge_files) {
#work only on the files ending in tmp
if ( $_ !~ m/$extension$/ ) {
$old_filename = $_;
rename( $old_filename, $_ . $extension ) or die $!;
#closing to avoid contamination on next process
closedir BRIDGEDIR;
#move files from the bridge to the destination directory
#NOTE that they go into destination directory with the tmp extension
opendir( BRIDGEDIR, $bridge_path )
or die "Problem getting files off the bridge directory...$!";
chdir $bridge_path;
my @target_files = grep !/^\./, readdir(BRIDGEDIR);
#we move each file individually
foreach (@target_files) {
move( $_, $destination_dir_path ) or die $!;
closedir BRIDGEDIR;
#now let us remove the tmp extension.
#on the destination directory
opendir( DESTINATIONDIR, $destination_dir_path )
or die "Problem accessing files on the destination directory...
chdir $destination_dir_path;
my @destination_files = grep !/^\./, readdir(DESTINATIONDIR);
#we rename each file individually
foreach my $file (@destination_files) {
#work only on the files ending in tmp
if ( $file =~ m/$extension$/ ) {
#just remove the artificial tmp extension [incl dot] added while
on the bridge
my $extension_length = length($extension);
#my $new_filename = substr( $file, 0, -4 );
my $new_filename = substr( $file, 0, -$extension_length );
rename( $file, $new_filename ) or die $!;
print "ready to sleep for $PICKUP_INTERVAL seconds\n";
#picks up files every x seconds
print "got out of the loop exiting now";
sub do_Red {
#if currently program executing
if (-e $status_file){
#write process id to a file to kill it later when needed.
print "writting status off";
sleep 5;
open( SWITCH, "> $status_file" ) or die "Problem writing to
$status_file file...$!";
print SWITCH $switch_off;
print "status off written";
sleep 5;
print "removing remnant files if still there (possibly move up)\n";
unlink $status_file or die "$! File removed already";
print "leave in peace\n";