writing array to file?
am 21.08.2007 18:40:57 von elroyerni
Hi -
I have a array that i initialize for using this in my perl script:
my @array_data = qx(cat /home/dchun/logs/$date/stat.log|grep "System
took"|cut -c 56-62);
I know this is really simple but I can't seem to figure it out. How do
i write this array to a text file in my home directory? I just want to
save it for later. If the file already exists, i just want to write
over it.
I tried using a system command.. but that didn't work. Any suggestions
on a simple way to do this?
system `cat /home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log|grep "OTS took"|cut -c
56-62 > /u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log`;
Re: writing array to file?
am 21.08.2007 18:48:32 von Paul Lalli
On Aug 21, 12:40 pm, elroyerni wrote:
> I have a array that i initialize for using this in my perl script:
> my @array_data = qx(cat /home/dchun/logs/$date/stat.log|grep "System
> took"|cut -c 56-62);
Okay... if you wanted to just do that in Perl rather than shelling out
to three system commands, it would be:
open my $fh, '<', "/home/dchun/logs/$date/stat.log" or die $!;
my @array_data;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
if ($line =~ /System took/) {
push @array_data, substr($line, 55, 6);
> I know this is really simple but I can't seem to figure it out.
> How do i write this array to a text file in my home directory? I
> just want to save it for later. If the file already exists, i
> just want to write over it.
Open the file for writing, print the array to the file.
open my $ofh, '>', 'file_to_write.txt' or die $!;
for my $line (@array_data) {
print $ofh "$line\n";
> I tried using a system command..
You seem unusually dependent on shelling out to external programs.
Perl is more than a shell scripting language. You should take some
time to explore the rest of its features. I suggest you read:
perldoc -f open
perldoc perlopentut
perldoc -f print
> but that didn't work. Any suggestions
> on a simple way to do this?
> system `cat /home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log|grep "OTS took"|cut -c
> 56-62 > /u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log`;
This says to run the command between ``, and then attempt to execute
that command's *output*. backticks execute a command and return the
output. system() executes a command and returns the return value.
Paul Lalli
Re: writing array to file?
am 21.08.2007 19:02:33 von Jim Gibson
In article <1187714457.955337.306830@x35g2000prf.googlegroups.com>,
elroyerni wrote:
> Hi -
> I have a array that i initialize for using this in my perl script:
> my @array_data = qx(cat /home/dchun/logs/$date/stat.log|grep "System
> took"|cut -c 56-62);
> I know this is really simple but I can't seem to figure it out. How do
> i write this array to a text file in my home directory? I just want to
> save it for later. If the file already exists, i just want to write
> over it.
> I tried using a system command.. but that didn't work. Any suggestions
> on a simple way to do this?
> system `cat /home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log|grep "OTS took"|cut -c
> 56-62 > /u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log`;
Perl has input and output facilities for reading and writing files,
regular expressions for searching for patterns in strings, and
functions for manipulating strings. You should consider using them
use warnings;
use strict;
my $date = '???';
my $infile = "/home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log";
my $outfile = "/u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log";
open(my $in, '<', $infile) or die("Can't open $infile: $!");
open(my $out, '>', $outfile) or die("Can't open $outfile: $!");
while(<$in>) {
next unless /OTS took/;
print $out substr($_,56,7), "\n";
close($in) or die("Error closing $infile: $!");
close($out) or die("Error closing $outfile: $!");
perldoc -f open
perldoc -f substr
perldoc perlre
perldoc perlop (search for 'I/O Operators')
Jim Gibson
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Re: writing array to file?
am 21.08.2007 20:15:04 von elroyerni
On Aug 21, 12:02 pm, Jim Gibson wrote:
> In article <1187714457.955337.306...@x35g2000prf.googlegroups.com>,
> elroyerni wrote:
> > Hi -
> > I have a array that i initialize for using this in my perl script:
> > my @array_data = qx(cat /home/dchun/logs/$date/stat.log|grep "System
> > took"|cut -c 56-62);
> > I know this is really simple but I can't seem to figure it out. How do
> > i write this array to a text file in my home directory? I just want to
> > save it for later. If the file already exists, i just want to write
> > over it.
> > I tried using a system command.. but that didn't work. Any suggestions
> > on a simple way to do this?
> > system `cat /home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log|grep "OTS took"|cut -c
> > 56-62 > /u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log`;
> Perl has input and output facilities for reading and writing files,
> regular expressions for searching for patterns in strings, and
> functions for manipulating strings. You should consider using them
> (untested):
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> #
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my $date = '???';
> my $infile = "/home/ssi9gwy/logs/$date/rco.log";
> my $outfile = "/u/dchun/rco_stats/$date.rco_stat.log";
> open(my $in, '<', $infile) or die("Can't open $infile: $!");
> open(my $out, '>', $outfile) or die("Can't open $outfile: $!");
> while(<$in>) {
> next unless /OTS took/;
> print $out substr($_,56,7), "\n";}
> close($in) or die("Error closing $infile: $!");
> close($out) or die("Error closing $outfile: $!");
> __END__
> See
> perldoc -f open
> perldoc -f substr
> perldoc perlre
> perldoc perlop (search for 'I/O Operators')
> --
> Jim Gibson
> Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
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Thanks everyone for your help. As you can see I'm new to perl and am
very thankful for all your help and feedback as I try to master this