Can"t update a Access 2002 form"s ado recordset through odbc

Can"t update a Access 2002 form"s ado recordset through odbc

am 24.08.2007 08:40:47 von RAPPAZ Francois

According to Miscrosoft docs at =, it seems that a form's =
ado recordset with access 2002 should be updatable using ODBC.=20

However, with a form in a mdb file with the access 2002 format, I still =
have the "recordset is not updatable" message ... Is there anyone who =
have managed this ?

I use mysql and Connector/ODBC 3.51.

I tried the following code on AfterUpdate of a text control: sSearch is =
a string with the words being searched for.

Dim Cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConnection As String, sql as String

strConnection =3D
"ODBC;DSN=3Dmysql_dokpe_i01_adm;UID=3D ... ;PWD=3D ... =
With Cn
.Provider =3D "MSDASQL"
.Properties("Data Source").Value =3D strConnection
End With

sql =3D "select concat(nofm, '') as nofm, ti, tri, issn, ex, ad,
concat(noed,'') as noed, dom from jrn where match(ti) against(" &
Chr(39) & sSearch & Chr(39) & " in boolean mode)"
rec.CursorLocation =3D adUseClient
rec.Open sql, Cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If Not rec.EOF Then

Set Me.Recordset =3D rec

MsgBox "No data"
End If
End If
Set rec =3D Nothing
Set Cn =3D Nothing

Fran=E7ois Rappaz

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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RE: Can"t update a Access 2002 form"s ado recordset through odbc

am 25.08.2007 16:55:48 von Osvaldo Sommer


I work with msaccess 2000 and mysql 4.0.12 and Works really good. You =
to put a column type timestamp so access can check the row has not been

There are several other threds with this problem, check them out.

Osvaldo Sommer

-----Mensaje original-----
De: RAPPAZ Francois []=20
Enviado el: Viernes, 24 de Agosto de 2007 12:41 a.m.
Asunto: Can't update a Access 2002 form's ado recordset through odbc

According to Miscrosoft docs at, it seems that a form's =
recordset with access 2002 should be updatable using ODBC.=20

However, with a form in a mdb file with the access 2002 format, I still =
the "recordset is not updatable" message ... Is there anyone who have
managed this ?

I use mysql and Connector/ODBC 3.51.

I tried the following code on AfterUpdate of a text control: sSearch is =
string with the words being searched for.

Dim Cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strConnection As String, sql as String

strConnection =3D
"ODBC;DSN=3Dmysql_dokpe_i01_adm;UID=3D ... ;PWD=3D ... =
With Cn
.Provider =3D "MSDASQL"
.Properties("Data Source").Value =3D strConnection
End With

sql =3D "select concat(nofm, '') as nofm, ti, tri, issn, ex, ad,
concat(noed,'') as noed, dom from jrn where match(ti) against(" &
Chr(39) & sSearch & Chr(39) & " in boolean mode)"
rec.CursorLocation =3D adUseClient
rec.Open sql, Cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If Not rec.EOF Then

Set Me.Recordset =3D rec

MsgBox "No data"
End If
End If
Set rec =3D Nothing
Set Cn =3D Nothing

Fran=E7ois Rappaz

MySQL ODBC Mailing List
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