perhaps you forgot to load "URI"?

perhaps you forgot to load "URI"?

am 25.08.2007 01:35:41 von Jorge Reyes

hi, so now this is weird, first of all i want to say that this script
runs ok in windows xp, linux ubuntu 7.04 and the problem is when i put
this into a unix machine this is the code:

use SOAP::Lite qw (debug trace);

$log_folder = "logwsremedyclient";
$fechaActual = &fechaHoraFormatoDb(time);
$log_name = substr($fechaActual,0,10);
$log_name =~ tr/-//d;
$log_name = $log_name.".log";
#print $log_folder.$log_name."\n";

if (! -d $log_folder ) {
#no existe
mkdir($log_folder) || die "ERROR AL INTENTAR CREAR EL
DIRECTORIO: $log_folder";

$numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if($numArgs < 6) {
$header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
$footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;

my $estado = $ARGV[0];
my $remedyid = $ARGV[1];
my $usumod = $ARGV[2];
my $historial = $ARGV[3];
my $telcontacto = $ARGV[4];
my $usua_afec = $ARGV[5];

#my $estado = 'CERRADO';
#my $remedyid = 263;
#my $usumod = 'JORGE REYES';
#my $historial = 'PRUEBA 2 DESDE PERL HACIA WS EN JAVA';
#my $telcontacto = '5530304857';
#my $usua_afec = 8;

my $soap = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('')
-> proxy('
-> on_action( sub { join '', @_} );
my $s = $soap->paramRemedy(
SOAP::Data->name('estado')->type(string => $estado),
SOAP::Data->name('remedyid')->type(long => $remedyid),
SOAP::Data->name('usumod')->type(string => $usumod),
SOAP::Data->name('historial')->type(string => $historial),
SOAP::Data->name('telcontacto')->type(string => $telcontacto),
SOAP::Data->name('usua_afec')->type(int => $usua_afec));
unless ($s->fault) {
#print $s->result();
$header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
$content = "estado: $ARGV[0]\nremedyid: $ARGV[1]\nusumod:
$ARGV[2]\nhistorial: $ARGV[3]\ntelcontacto: $ARGV[4]\nusua_afec:
$ARGV[5]\nRESPUESTA: ".$s->result()."\n";
$footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;

else {
#print "\n\nError\n";
#print join ', ',
$header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
$content = "ERROR: ".join ', ',$s->faultcode, $s->faultstring,
$s->faultdetail, "\n";
$footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;

sub fechaHoraFormatoDb {
# $_[0] = Unix time, or POSIX time
# NOTA: Al llamar a esta subrutina no poner comillas el
parametro de $_[0]
# Ej: &fechaHoraFormatoDb(time) o &fechaHoraFormatoDb($valor)
my ($segundo,$minuto,$hora,$dia,$mes,$anio,$diaSemana) =
my @mesesNum =
('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12' );
my $tiempo = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$hora,$minuto,$segundo);
$anio = $anio + 1900;
if($dia < 10) {
$tiempoObtenido="$anio-$mesesNum[$mes]-$dia $tiempo";
return $tiempoObtenido;

and then when i executed it the answer is:

SOAP::Lite::call: ()
SOAP::Serializer::envelope: ()
Can't locate object method "new" via package "URI" (perhaps you forgot
to load "URI"?) at /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/HTTP/ line 82.

so any idea suggestions or something useful, sorry but i am desperate
jeje... thanks for advanced

Re: perhaps you forgot to load "URI"?

am 25.08.2007 08:25:56 von John

"Jorge Reyes" wrote in message
> hi, so now this is weird, first of all i want to say that this script
> runs ok in windows xp, linux ubuntu 7.04 and the problem is when i put
> this into a unix machine this is the code:
> use SOAP::Lite qw (debug trace);
> $log_folder = "logwsremedyclient";
> $fechaActual = &fechaHoraFormatoDb(time);
> $log_name = substr($fechaActual,0,10);
> $log_name =~ tr/-//d;
> $log_name = $log_name.".log";
> #print $log_folder.$log_name."\n";
> if (! -d $log_folder ) {
> #no existe
> mkdir($log_folder) || die "ERROR AL INTENTAR CREAR EL
> DIRECTORIO: $log_folder";
> }
> $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
> if($numArgs < 6) {
> $header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
> $footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
> open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
> INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
> print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;
> close(WSLOG);
> exit(1);
> }
> my $estado = $ARGV[0];
> my $remedyid = $ARGV[1];
> my $usumod = $ARGV[2];
> my $historial = $ARGV[3];
> my $telcontacto = $ARGV[4];
> my $usua_afec = $ARGV[5];
> #my $estado = 'CERRADO';
> #my $remedyid = 263;
> #my $usumod = 'JORGE REYES';
> #my $historial = 'PRUEBA 2 DESDE PERL HACIA WS EN JAVA';
> #my $telcontacto = '5530304857';
> #my $usua_afec = 8;
> my $soap = SOAP::Lite
> -> uri('')
> -> proxy('
> ActualizaStatus')
> -> on_action( sub { join '', @_} );
> my $s = $soap->paramRemedy(
> SOAP::Data->name('estado')->type(string => $estado),
> SOAP::Data->name('remedyid')->type(long => $remedyid),
> SOAP::Data->name('usumod')->type(string => $usumod),
> SOAP::Data->name('historial')->type(string => $historial),
> SOAP::Data->name('telcontacto')->type(string => $telcontacto),
> SOAP::Data->name('usua_afec')->type(int => $usua_afec));
> unless ($s->fault) {
> #print $s->result();
> $header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
> $content = "estado: $ARGV[0]\nremedyid: $ARGV[1]\nusumod:
> $ARGV[2]\nhistorial: $ARGV[3]\ntelcontacto: $ARGV[4]\nusua_afec:
> $ARGV[5]\nRESPUESTA: ".$s->result()."\n";
> $footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
> open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
> INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
> print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;
> close(WSLOG);
> }
> else {
> #print "\n\nError\n";
> #print join ', ',
> #$s->faultcode,
> #$s->faultstring,
> #$s->faultdetail,"\n\n";
> $header = "INICIO.- $fechaActual\n";
> $content = "ERROR: ".join ', ',$s->faultcode, $s->faultstring,
> $s->faultdetail, "\n";
> $footer = "FINAL.- $fechaActual\n\n";
> open(WSLOG,">> $log_folder/$log_name") || die "ERROR AL
> INTENTAR ABRIR EL LOG: $log_folder/$log_name";
> print WSLOG $header.$content.$footer;
> close(WSLOG);
> }
> sub fechaHoraFormatoDb {
> # $_[0] = Unix time, or POSIX time
> # NOTA: Al llamar a esta subrutina no poner comillas el
> parametro de $_[0]
> # Ej: &fechaHoraFormatoDb(time) o &fechaHoraFormatoDb($valor)
> my ($segundo,$minuto,$hora,$dia,$mes,$anio,$diaSemana) =
> (localtime($_[0]))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
> my @mesesNum =
> ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12' );
> my $tiempo = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$hora,$minuto,$segundo);
> $anio = $anio + 1900;
> if($dia < 10) {
> $dia="0$dia";
> }
> $tiempoObtenido="$anio-$mesesNum[$mes]-$dia $tiempo";
> return $tiempoObtenido;
> }
> and then when i executed it the answer is:
> SOAP::Lite::call: ()
> SOAP::Serializer::envelope: ()
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "URI" (perhaps you forgot
> to load "URI"?) at /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/HTTP/ line 82.
> so any idea suggestions or something useful, sorry but i am desperate
> jeje... thanks for advanced


I had a similar problem when we moved to a new server.

Can't locate object method "new" via package "SOAP::Packager::MIME"
(perhaps you forgot to load "SOAP::Packager::MIME"?) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/SOAP/ line 3241.

At first, we thought that the package MIME was missing but once we
SOAP Lite (force installation) it was OK.

It might be that package URI is missing, but, my guess a fresh installation
odf SOAP::Lite will fix it.


Re: perhaps you forgot to load "URI"?

am 25.08.2007 18:02:57 von xhoster

"John" wrote:
> >
> > and then when i executed it the answer is:
> >
> > SOAP::Lite::call: ()
> > SOAP::Serializer::envelope: ()
> > Can't locate object method "new" via package "URI" (perhaps you forgot
> > to load "URI"?) at /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/HTTP/ line 82.
> >
> > so any idea suggestions or something useful, sorry but i am desperate
> > jeje... thanks for advanced
> >
> Hi
> I had a similar problem when we moved to a new server.
> Can't locate object method "new" via package "SOAP::Packager::MIME"
> (perhaps you forgot to load "SOAP::Packager::MIME"?) at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/SOAP/ line 3241.
> At first, we thought that the package MIME was missing but once we
> re-installed
> SOAP Lite (force installation) it was OK.

This is because there are two SOAP::Packager modules, one part of
SOAP and one part of SOAP::Lite. SOAP::Lite's defines MIME internally,
and SOAP's doesn't. So if SOAP::Lite loads SOAP's version, it fails. When
you reinstalled, either SOAP::Lite's module overwrite SOAP's, or it was
installed into a place that came earlier in @INC.

> It might be that package URI is missing, but, my guess a fresh
> installation odf SOAP::Lite will fix it.

I bet the OP's problem is similar. Instead of loading a SOAP::Lite module
which has a "use URI" in it, it loads a same-named SOAP module which
doesn't have "use URI" in it.


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