Strange class OOP behavior

Strange class OOP behavior

am 27.08.2007 16:23:07 von Marcel Molenaar

Anyone ever experienced this problem.

When i pass a mysql result to the constructor of a class and use that
resultset inside that class the original resultset outside the class gets
affected too. That is not right i think because my result inside my class is
private. Is this a bug? Can someone look at my code below please:


class test {

private $_result;
private $_record;

public function __construct($result) {

$this->_result = $result;


public function show() {

while($this->_record = mysql_fetch_array($this->_result)) {

echo $this->_record['name'].'




# usage
# sql statement dat artikels ophaald uit cartal database
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM test_table";

# uitvoeren van dit statement
$RESULT = mysql_query($SQL,$conn);

$t = new test($RESULT);


// mysql_data_seek($RESULT,0);

// this prints out nothing unless i call mysql_data_seek($RESULT,0) before
this whileloop so that means that the pointer of the recordset had moved to
the end because of the while loop in the class itself...that is strange!
while($RECORD = mysql_fetch_array($RESULT)) {

echo $RECORD['name'].'

