Tk::getSaveFile - use specified initialfile
Tk::getSaveFile - use specified initialfile
am 27.08.2007 16:58:28 von Josef Moellers
In an application which downloads an image from a webcam, I'd like to=20
save an image if it's interesting.
For that, I have a "Save image" button, which calls this sub:
sub save {
my $top =3D shift;
my @tv =3D localtime;
my $base =3D 'webcam-'
. sprintf('%04d.%02d.%02d', $tv[5]+1900, $tv[4]+1, $tv[3])
. '-'
. sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $tv[2], $tv[1], $tv[0])
. '.pnm';
my $dst =3D $top->getSaveFile(-initialdir =3D> $HOME,
-defaultextension =3D> '.pnm',
-initialfile =3D> $base,
-title =3D> 'Save Snapshot',
-filetypes =3D> [ ['Images', '.pnm' ],
['All files', '*' ] ]);
if (defined $dst) {
print STDERR "dst=3D$dst\n";
} else {
print STDERR "dst=3D\n";
if (defined $dst && $dst ne "") {
copy($tmpnam, $dst) or die "Copy failed: $!";
Unfortunately, I cannot just hit the "Save" button in the getSaveFile=20
window to use the given "webcam-..." name, I have to somehow make it=20
"dirty". How can I convince the getSaveFile widget to use this=20
initialfile without further action (i.e. just hit the "Save" button)?
These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
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Re: Tk::getSaveFile - use specified initialfile
am 28.08.2007 01:29:48 von Ben Morrow
Quoth Josef Moellers :
> In an application which downloads an image from a webcam, I'd like to
> save an image if it's interesting.
> For that, I have a "Save image" button, which calls this sub:
> sub save {
> my $top = shift;
> my @tv = localtime;
> my $base = 'webcam-'
> . sprintf('%04d.%02d.%02d', $tv[5]+1900, $tv[4]+1, $tv[3])
> . '-'
> . sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $tv[2], $tv[1], $tv[0])
> . '.pnm';
I would replace this whole thing with POSIX::strftime:
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my $base = strftime 'webcam-%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.pnm', localtime;
> my $dst = $top->getSaveFile(-initialdir => $HOME,
> -defaultextension => '.pnm',
> -initialfile => $base,
> -title => 'Save Snapshot',
> -filetypes => [ ['Images', '.pnm' ],
> ['All files', '*' ] ]);
> if (defined $dst) {
> print STDERR "dst=$dst\n";
> } else {
> print STDERR "dst=\n";
> }
> if (defined $dst && $dst ne "") {
> copy($tmpnam, $dst) or die "Copy failed: $!";
> }
> }
> Unfortunately, I cannot just hit the "Save" button in the getSaveFile
> window to use the given "webcam-..." name, I have to somehow make it
> "dirty". How can I convince the getSaveFile widget to use this
> initialfile without further action (i.e. just hit the "Save" button)?
The following script
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my $MW = Tk::MainWindow->new(-title => 'Test');
-command => sub {
my $base = strftime 'webcam-%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.pnm', localtime;
my $dst = $MW->getSaveFile(
-initialdir => $ENV{HOME},
-defaultextension => '.pnm',
-initialfile => $base,
-title => 'Save snapshot',
-filetypes => [
[ 'Images' => '.pnm' ],
[ 'All files' => '*' ],
$dst //= ''; # since you have dor :)
warn "dst=$dst";
-text => 'Save...',
works for me with Tk v804.027; that is, I press 'Save...' and I get a
save-as box with the filename filled in, and I press 'Save' in the box
and perl prints
dst=/home/mauzo/webcam-2007.08.28-00:27:54.pnm at tksave line 26.
to stderr. What happens when you run this script?
"Awww, I'm going to miss her."
"Don't you hate her?"
"Yes, with a fiery vengeance."
Re: Tk::getSaveFile - use specified initialfile
am 28.08.2007 09:16:20 von Josef Moellers
Ben Morrow wrote:
> Quoth Josef Moellers :
>> my $dst =3D $top->getSaveFile(-initialdir =3D> $HOME,
>> -defaultextension =3D> '.pnm',
>> -initialfile =3D> $base,
>> -title =3D> 'Save Snapshot',
>> -filetypes =3D> [ ['Images', '.pnm' ],=
>> ['All files', '*' ] ])=
> my $dst =3D $MW->getSaveFile(
> -initialdir =3D> $ENV{HOME},
> -defaultextension =3D> '.pnm',
> -initialfile =3D> $base,
> -title =3D> 'Save snapshot',
> -filetypes =3D> [
> [ 'Images' =3D> '.pnm' ],
> [ 'All files' =3D> '*' ],
> ],
> );
> $dst //=3D ''; # since you have dor
> to stderr. What happens when you run this script?=20
"Search pattern not terminated at Morrow line 25." ;-)
When I fix that, it does indeed return the filename.
What I don't get is: where's the difference between your call to=20
getSaveFile() and mine? I run both on the very same machine (SuSE Prof=20
9.0 with 800.024).
When I run my script on another machine with a more recent version of Tk =
(Ubuntu 7.04 with 804.027), it behaves as expected. But again: on the=20
very same machine your script does the expected, mine doesn't.
BTW If I keep my version of constructing the filename, but add the "use=20
POSIX qw/strftime/;", it returns the filename. If I comment this out, it =
Veeery strange to me.
These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
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