FW: Which function?

FW: Which function?

am 30.08.2007 10:38:00 von Gustav Wiberg

Some more info:

I get this (Javascript) error from Firebug:

unterminated string literal

Is this something that could be solved in php?

Best regards
/Gustav Wiberg

-----Original Message-----
From: Gustav Wiberg [mailto:gustav@hmn.se]=20
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:25 AM
To: 'php-windows@lists.php.net'
Subject: Which function?

Hi there!
Is there ant predefined function for doing this?
I want to put text (from a database) inside quotes, like for example Javasc=
Is there any function in PHP for translating $dbText into something that Ja=
vascript would accept? (something inside quotes)=20
I tried with http://se.php.net/manual/sv/function.htmlentities.php but that=
didn't seem to work
Best regards
/Gustav Wiberg

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