Display pdf file on browser

Display pdf file on browser

am 31.08.2007 10:40:02 von RickyLie


I'm a beginner in asp, I'm creating manually a table-row to be displayed on
the browser and the row number is a hiperlink to pdf-files. As the row grows
I'm thinking of rewrite my asp file to connect with ms access table. On the
browser the table displayed with an input button on each row instead of
hyperlink, the following is the part of my asp file
dim conn, rs, x, filename
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "SELECT FTI_ID, FTI_DES FROM tblDataFTI",conn

List Data Field Technical Information

Click on a button for detail information.

<%do until rs.EOF%>


end if


set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
FTI FTI Description

for each x in rs.Fields
if x.name="FTI_ID" then



filename="pdf\" & Request.Form("ftino") & ".pdf"


so far, on button click the filename variable is the physical path+name of
the pdf-file, how can I refer to the file to be display on the browser? in
other word how can I display the pdf file on button click?

Thank you and appreciate for all comment and help in advance
Ricky Lie