Win32::GUI Text File not getting updated

Win32::GUI Text File not getting updated

am 02.09.2007 08:24:38 von Steve

I'm trying to learn a few things with the Win32::GUI side of things
and sockets.
I created a very simple receiver socket script and a sender script
which work in as much that I can send different 'messages' between
them :-)

Then I tried the same using a Win32::GUI setup, simple window with a
textfield where the messages should appear as I send them, but nothing
happens until I exit the window (with an Exit Button) at which point
all the messages appear in the textfield.

The applications is obviously stuck in some loop somewhere that is
preventing the update of the textfield, but I cant figure it out :-(

Here is my code for both send and receiver.....

Sender###################################################### ########
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => 'localhost',
PeerPort => '7070',
Proto => 'tcp',
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
print "sending 1st...";
print $sock "1,c:\\temp\\test.txt\n";
print "sending 2nd...";
print $sock "3,c:\\temp\\test_2.txt\n";
print "sending 3rd...";
print $sock "4";

Receiver#################################################### ##########
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Switch;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI;
use Win32();
use Win32::GUI::Loft::Design;

eval {

Win32::GUI::MessageBox(0, "Error: $@", "hello Demo") if($@);

sub main {
my $fileWindow = "receiver.gld"; #You created this using
The GUI Loft

my $objDesign = Win32::GUI::Loft::Design->newLoad($fileWindow) or
die("Could not open window file

$objDesign->buildWindow() or die("Could not build window

my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => 'localhost',
LocalPort => '7070',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1,
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
my $new_sock = $sock->accept();

while(<$new_sock>) {

sub RxMsg {
my @actions = split(/,/);
switch ($actions[0]) {
case 1 {defined(my $win = $Win32::GUI::Loft::window{Rx_Window})
or return(1);
$win->RxTextfield->Append("action 1\r\n");
open ACTION, "< $actions[1]" or die "cant open file : $!";
while (my $line = ) {
case 2 {defined(my $win =
$Win32::GUI::Loft::window{Rx_Window}) or return(1);
$win->RxTextfield->Append("action 2\r\n");
case 3 {defined(my $win =
$Win32::GUI::Loft::window{Rx_Window}) or return(1);
$win->RxTextfield->Append("action 3\r\n");
open ACTION, "< $actions[1]" or die "cant open file : $!";
while (my $line = ) {
else {defined(my $win = $Win32::GUI::Loft::window{Rx_Window})
or return(1);
$win->RxTextfield->Append("action unknown\r\n");

sub ::ExitBtn_Click { defined(my $win =
$Win32::GUI::Loft::window{Rx_Window}) or return(1);

#Just exit

Re: Win32::GUI Text File not getting updated

am 02.09.2007 11:41:10 von RobMay

On Sep 2, 7:24 am, steve wrote:

> I created a very simple receiver socket script and a sender script
> which work in as much that I can send different 'messages' between
> them :-)
> Then I tried the same using a Win32::GUI setup, simple window with a
> textfield where the messages should appear as I send them, but nothing
> happens until I exit the window (with an Exit Button) at which point
> all the messages appear in the textfield.
> The applications is obviously stuck in some loop somewhere that is
> preventing the update of the textfield, but I cant figure it out :-(

[snip code]

> Win32::GUI::Dialog();

Try removing that line from your receiver - it won't return until you
close your window. Win32::GUI::DoEvents() is the 'non-blocking'


Re: Win32::GUI Text File not getting updated

am 04.09.2007 06:17:34 von Steve

On Sep 2, 10:41 am, Robert May wrote:
> On Sep 2, 7:24 am, steve wrote:
> > I created a very simple receiver socket script and a sender script
> > which work in as much that I can send different 'messages' between
> > them :-)
> > Then I tried the same using a Win32::GUI setup, simple window with a
> > textfield where the messages should appear as I send them, but nothing
> > happens until I exit the window (with an Exit Button) at which point
> > all the messages appear in the textfield.
> > The applications is obviously stuck in some loop somewhere that is
> > preventing the update of the textfield, but I cant figure it out :-(
> [snip code]
> > Win32::GUI::Dialog();
> Try removing that line from your receiver - it won't return until you
> close your window. Win32::GUI::DoEvents() is the 'non-blocking'
> equivalent.
> Regards,
> Rob.

Many Thanks Rob,
works an treat now
