Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
am 05.09.2007 10:25:55 von HR Head
Dear All,
Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
Skill set required :- Visual Foxpro 1 or 2 years Experince [Foxpro]
[VB-6] [.NET]
Location:- Malaysia / Singapore
Qulification ;- Any Graduate / Under Graduate
Effective communication skill in English prefered
Please send your CV's to
Re: Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
am 05.09.2007 11:12:35 von Timo Jokinen
HR Head wrote:
> Dear All,
> Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
> Skill set required :- Visual Foxpro 1 or 2 years Experince [Foxpro]
> [VB-6] [.NET]
> Location:- Malaysia / Singapore
> Qulification ;- Any Graduate / Under Graduate
> Effective communication skill in English prefered
> Please send your CV's to
"Fresh Programmers" hehehe
"Visual Foxpro 1 or 2 years Experince" "outch" hehehehe
"Location:- Malaysia / Singapore" muahwhawwhaw
Re: Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
am 05.09.2007 13:13:25 von Tad McClellan
HR Head wrote:
> Fresh Programmers Required
Us Stale Programmers just don't taste right?
> Qulification ;- Any Graduate / Under Graduate
> Effective communication skill in English prefered
Yes, it does look like you could use some help in that area...
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"
Re: Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
am 05.09.2007 20:23:10 von dha
On 2007-09-05, HR Head wrote:
> Fresh Programmers Required Urgently Visual Foxpro / VB / .NET
You have posted a job posting or a resume in a technical group.
Longstanding Usenet tradition dictates that such postings go into
groups with names that contain "jobs", like "", not
technical discussion groups like the ones to which you posted.
Had you read and understood the Usenet user manual posted frequently to
"news.announce.newusers", you might have already known this. :) (If
n.a.n is quieter than it should be, the relevent FAQs are available at users.html)
Another good source of information on how Usenet functions is
news.newusers.questions (information from which is also available at
Please do not explain your posting by saying "but I saw other job
postings here". Just because one person jumps off a bridge, doesn't
mean everyone does. Those postings are also in error, and I've
probably already notified them as well.
If you have questions about this policy, take it up with the news
administrators in the newsgroup news.admin.misc. may be of more use to you
Yours for a better usenet,
David H. Adler - -
"It must be difficult being such a visionary."
"Not really. You just have to drink a whole lot."