FTP ing under unix
am 05.09.2007 20:40:30 von lerameur
Hello all,
Trying to use automated FTP in unix.
I get the following error:
Can't locate Net/FTP.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/
sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/
sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/site_perl /
usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/
5.6.1 /usr/perl5/vendor_perl .)
Where do I find and how do I install this package. Tried google but
there is not much in this error.thanks
Re: FTP ing under unix
am 05.09.2007 21:19:42 von Benoit Lefebvre
On Sep 5, 2:40 pm, lerameur wrote:
> Hello all,
> Trying to use automated FTP in unix.
> I get the following error:
> Can't locate Net/FTP.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/
> sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/
> sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/site_perl /
> usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/
> 5.6.1 /usr/perl5/vendor_perl .)
> Where do I find and how do I install this package. Tried google but
> there is not much in this error.thanks
> k
perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
once you have it configured type "install Net::FTP"
You may need to do that as root for the packages to get installed
Re: FTP ing under unix
am 06.09.2007 02:57:29 von Tad McClellan
lerameur wrote:
> Trying to use automated FTP in unix.
> I get the following error:
> Can't locate Net/FTP.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib/
> sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/5.6.1/lib /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/
> sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1 /usr/perl5/site_perl /
> usr/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int /usr/perl5/vendor_perl/
> 5.6.1 /usr/perl5/vendor_perl .)
> Where do I find and how do I install this package.
perldoc -q module
What modules and extensions are available for Perl? What is CPAN? What
does CPAN/src/... mean?
How do I find which modules are installed on my system?
How do I install a module from CPAN?
How do I keep my own module/library directory?
> Tried google but
You should try Perl's Frequently Asked Questions before
asking a question for the bazillionth time.
Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"