NFS server

NFS server

am 06.09.2007 18:00:26 von DAVID.A.KIRKWOOD


I'm trying to get a Red Hat enterprise linux 4.4 to server out home dir=
ectories via NFS. As a test I have disabled the firewall and put SELINU=
X in permissive mode. I'm attempting to mount it to a Solaris 8 system.=
I have the export line set as /opt *(sync,rw). I see the exports with =
showmount -e as I should. I watch the messages file via tail -f and I s=
ee the other system authenticated by mount, but the directory never mou=
nts. The Solaris system mounts other unix systems fine, as well as a RH=
7.3 system, so I don't think it is the problem. I tried to mount the f=
ile system of the host under the host itself. No dice. Does anyone have=
another suggestion of something I have forgotten? I verified that rpc.=
mountd and rpc.nfsd are both running on the server side.

Thanks in advance,

David A. Kirkwood

Phone: (727) 502-8310
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Re: NFS server

am 06.09.2007 19:39:36 von brouits

what address does bind portmap on your RHEL 4.4 ?
see in /etc/default/portmap or /etc/sysconfig/[something like portmap]
or do a:
# netstat -tupl
and see the adress portmap uses.
if it is (loalhost), then this is the error.
- Ben
Le jeudi 06 septembre 2007 à 12:00 -0400, Kirkwood, David A. a =C3=
=A9crit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get a Red Hat enterprise linux 4.4 to server out home d=
irectories via NFS. As a test I have disabled the firewall and put SELI=
NUX in permissive mode. I'm attempting to mount it to a Solaris 8 syste=
m. I have the export line set as /opt *(sync,rw). I see the exports wit=
h showmount -e as I should. I watch the messages file via tail -f and I=
see the other system authenticated by mount, but the directory never m=
ounts. The Solaris system mounts other unix systems fine, as well as a =
RH 7.3 system, so I don't think it is the problem. I tried to mount the=
file system of the host under the host itself. No dice. Does anyone ha=
ve another suggestion of something I have forgotten? I verified that rp=
c.mountd and rpc.nfsd are both running on the server side.
> Thanks in advance,

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Re: NFS server

am 10.09.2007 10:47:30 von adam.bowen


Benoit Rouits wrote:
> Le jeudi 06 septembre 2007 =E0 12:00 -0400, Kirkwood, David A. a =E9c=
rit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to get a Red Hat enterprise linux 4.4 to server out home =
directories via NFS. As a test I have disabled the firewall and put SEL=
INUX in permissive mode. I'm attempting to mount it to a Solaris 8 syst=
em. I have the export line set as /opt *(sync,rw). I see the exports wi=
th showmount -e as I should. I watch the messages file via tail -f and =
I see the other system authenticated by mount, but the directory never =
mounts. The Solaris system mounts other unix systems fine, as well as a=
RH 7.3 system, so I don't think it is the problem. I tried to mount th=
e file system of the host under the host itself. No dice. Does anyone h=
ave another suggestion of something I have forgotten? I verified that r=
pc.mountd and rpc.nfsd are both running on the server side.

You will need to add the following entries to your /etc/hosts.allow fil=

portmap: hosts
lockd: hosts
mountd: hosts
rquotad: hosts
statd: hosts

where hosts are your NFS clients (see man hosts_access). Earlier
versions of RedHat did not include tcpwrappers so extensively.



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