FAQ 2.11 Perl Books
am 07.09.2007 15:03:06 von PerlFAQ ServerThis is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq2.pod, which
comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to
reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community
to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete
perlfaq is at http://faq.perl.org .
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2.11: Perl Books
A number of books on Perl and/or CGI programming are available. A few of
these are good, some are OK, but many aren't worth your money. There is
a list of these books, some with extensive reviews, at
http://books.perl.org/ . If you don't see your book listed here, you can
write to perlfaq-workers@perl.org .
The incontestably definitive reference book on Perl, written by the
creator of Perl, is Programming Perl:
Programming Perl (the "Camel Book"):
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant
ISBN 0-596-00027-8 [3rd edition July 2000]
(English, translations to several languages are also available)
The companion volume to the Camel containing thousands of real-world
examples, mini-tutorials, and complete programs is:
The Perl Cookbook (the "Ram Book"):
by Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington,
with Foreword by Larry Wall
ISBN 0-596-00313-7 [2nd Edition August 2003]
If you're already a seasoned programmer, then the Camel Book might
suffice for you to learn Perl. If you're not, check out the Llama book:
Learning Perl
by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, and brian d foy
ISBN 0-596-10105-8 [4th edition July 2005]
And for more advanced information on writing larger programs, presented
in the same style as the Llama book, continue your education with the
Alpaca book:
Intermediate Perl (the "Alpaca Book")
by Randal L. Schwartz and brian d foy, with Tom Phoenix (foreword by Damian Conway)
ISBN 0-596-10206-2 [1st edition March 2006]
Addison-Wesley ( http://www.awlonline.com/ ) and Manning (
http://www.manning.com/ ) are also publishers of some fine Perl books
such as *Object Oriented Programming with Perl* by Damian Conway and
*Network Programming with Perl* by Lincoln Stein.
An excellent technical book discounter is Bookpool at
http://www.bookpool.com/ where a 30% discount or more is not unusual.
What follows is a list of the books that the FAQ authors found
personally useful. Your mileage may (but, we hope, probably won't) vary.
Recommended books on (or mostly on) Perl follow.
Programming Perl
by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Jon Orwant
ISBN 0-596-00027-8 [3rd edition July 2000]
Perl 5 Pocket Reference
by Johan Vromans
ISBN 0-596-00032-4 [3rd edition May 2000]
Beginning Perl
by James Lee
ISBN 1-59059-391-X [2nd edition August 2004]
Elements of Programming with Perl
by Andrew L. Johnson
ISBN 1-884777-80-5 [1st edition October 1999]
Learning Perl
by Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, and brian d foy
ISBN 0-596-10105-8 [4th edition July 2005]
Intermediate Perl (the "Alpaca Book")
by Randal L. Schwartz and brian d foy, with Tom Phoenix (foreword by Damian Conway)
ISBN 0-596-10206-2 [1st edition March 2006]
Writing Perl Modules for CPAN
by Sam Tregar
ISBN 1-59059-018-X [1st edition Aug 2002]
The Perl Cookbook
by Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington
with foreword by Larry Wall
ISBN 1-56592-243-3 [1st edition August 1998]
Effective Perl Programming
by Joseph Hall
ISBN 0-201-41975-0 [1st edition 1998]
Real World SQL Server Administration with Perl
by Linchi Shea
ISBN 1-59059-097-X [1st edition July 2003]
Special Topics
Perl Best Practices
by Damian Conway
ISBN: 0-596-00173-8 [1st edition July 2005]
Higher Order Perl
by Mark-Jason Dominus
ISBN: 1558607013 [1st edition March 2005]
Perl 6 Now: The Core Ideas Illustrated with Perl 5
by Scott Walters
ISBN 1-59059-395-2 [1st edition December 2004]
Mastering Regular Expressions
by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
ISBN 0-596-00289-0 [2nd edition July 2002]
Network Programming with Perl
by Lincoln Stein
ISBN 0-201-61571-1 [1st edition 2001]
Object Oriented Perl
Damian Conway
with foreword by Randal L. Schwartz
ISBN 1-884777-79-1 [1st edition August 1999]
Data Munging with Perl
Dave Cross
ISBN 1-930110-00-6 [1st edition 2001]
Mastering Perl/Tk
by Steve Lidie and Nancy Walsh
ISBN 1-56592-716-8 [1st edition January 2002]
Extending and Embedding Perl
by Tim Jenness and Simon Cozens
ISBN 1-930110-82-0 [1st edition August 2002]
Perl Debugger Pocket Reference
by Richard Foley
ISBN 0-596-00503-2 [1st edition January 2004]
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The perlfaq-workers, a group of volunteers, maintain the perlfaq. They
are not necessarily experts in every domain where Perl might show up,
so please include as much information as possible and relevant in any
corrections. The perlfaq-workers also don't have access to every
operating system or platform, so please include relevant details for
corrections to examples that do not work on particular platforms.
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