usenet posting of perl release
usenet posting of perl release
am 07.09.2007 21:04:07 von simil
"Larry Wall released the first released version 1.0 of perl to the
comp.sources.misc newsgroup on December 18, 1987". Almost everybody
must have seen this line when they first start learning perl. But
where the hell is that posting? I have been trying to find out that
posting but in vain. Can anybody point me to that? I am just curious.
Re: usenet posting of perl release
am 08.09.2007 01:36:29 von Ben Morrow
Quoth simil :
> "Larry Wall released the first released version 1.0 of perl to the
> comp.sources.misc newsgroup on December 18, 1987". Almost everybody
> must have seen this line when they first start learning perl. But
> where the hell is that posting? I have been trying to find out that
> posting but in vain. Can anybody point me to that? I am just curious.
See (a potted history of Perl, the
Internet, and Unix); (the
original perl-1 posting without the source code), and (the original source).
Re: usenet posting of perl release
am 08.09.2007 11:11:08 von simil
On Sep 8, 4:36 am, Ben Morrow wrote:
> Quoth simil :
> > "Larry Wall released the first released version 1.0 of perl to the
> > comp.sources.misc newsgroup on December 18, 1987". Almost everybody
> > must have seen this line when they first start learning perl. But
> > where the hell is that posting? I have been trying to find out that
> > posting but in vain. Can anybody point me to that? I am just curious.
> See potted history of Perl, the
> Internet, and Unix);
> original perl-1 posting without the source code), and original source).
> Ben
Thanks for the links. But, I was looking for the exact posting made
by larry wall in comp.sources.misc usenet group. I searched the group
but couldn't find anything :(. And regarding the content of the first
post at ,why is the date
Jan 31, 1988 and not Dec 18, 1987?
Re: usenet posting of perl release
am 08.09.2007 19:18:55 von merlyn
>>>>> "simil" == simil writes:
simil> Thanks for the links. But, I was looking for the exact posting made
simil> by larry wall in comp.sources.misc usenet group. I searched the group
simil> but couldn't find anything :(. And regarding the content of the first
simil> post at ,why is the date
simil> Jan 31, 1988 and not Dec 18, 1987?
I think we're all going off the CVS date which is 1987-12-18 as the
'birthday', although you're right, it wasn't published to comp.sources.unix
until the end of January 1988.
I found 5385ae25f
which seems to be the first post of the first kit of Perl 1.0, dated
01 Feb 1988.
print "Just another Perl hacker,"; # the original
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!
Posted via a free Usenet account from
Re: usenet posting of perl release
am 08.09.2007 20:17:50 von see
In article <>,
simil writes:
> > > "Larry Wall released the first released version 1.0 of perl to the
> > > comp.sources.misc newsgroup on December 18, 1987". Almost everybody
> > > must have seen this line when they first start learning perl. But
> > > where the hell is that posting? I have been trying to find out that
> > > posting but in vain. Can anybody point me to that? I am just curious.
> Thanks for the links. But, I was looking for the exact posting made
> by larry wall in comp.sources.misc usenet group. I searched the group
> but couldn't find anything :(. And regarding the content of the first
> post at ,why is the date
> Jan 31, 1988 and not Dec 18, 1987?
I suspect some of that information is wrong. According to my
archives, perl v1.0 went out on comp.sources.unix (not .misc) dated
"1 Feb 88." See or
I looked in my USENET archive CD-ROM dated July 1993, and I see
no Perl release that early on comp.sources.misc. I do note,
however, that volume 1 of c.s.m is missing from that archive --
and may have never existed. (Volume 2 of c.s.m started in early 1988.)
I don't know about the date discrepancy. Note that the c.s.u
moderator did a lot of checking of input, and many submissions
took quite a lot of additional work (and time) before they were
portable enough and compiled cleanly enough to go out under the
c.s.u manteau. It's also possible that a submission didn't work
well with non-UNIX systems and was kicked over to c.s.u from c.s.m
(although, and I repeat, I have no knowledge of this particular
- dmw
.. Douglas Wells . Connection Technologies .
.. Internet: -sp9804- -at - .