How Can I edit multiple records in mysql page?

How Can I edit multiple records in mysql page?

am 08.09.2007 12:16:35 von Serafin


I wanna create php page where I can do some table at once editing,
inserting, updateing, and I wanna learn how to do that.
Is there any tutorial on this?.
I saw DW extension "FX Multiple Records At Once" which can do same, but is
there manual method ?


Re: How Can I edit multiple records in mysql page?

am 08.09.2007 14:21:01 von Jerry Stuckle

Serafin wrote:
> Hello!
> I wanna create php page where I can do some table at once editing,
> inserting, updateing, and I wanna learn how to do that.
> Is there any tutorial on this?.
> I saw DW extension "FX Multiple Records At Once" which can do same, but is
> there manual method ?
> Regards

Well, you'll need to learn PHP, and if you're storing the data in a
relational database such as MySQL, you'll need SQL. None of it is hard
- it's all pretty basic PHP and SQL.

It sounds like you're pretty much a beginner with PHP. So I'd suggest
the place to start is your local book store or library. There are some
good books which will go into a lot more detail than online tutorials.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.