problem saving an excel file

problem saving an excel file

am 09.09.2007 18:12:52 von GD

i have a php script to convert a simple query into an excel format
file (tab delimited) which is called mysql-to-excel. on the author's
website when i click on the script i download an xls file, but when i
do the same on my server it just echos back the query without saving a
file. any ideas. here is the script:

include 'config.php';
include 'opendb.php';

$query = "SELECT * FROM information ORDER BY lastname";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed');

$tsv = array();
$html = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM))
$tsv[] = implode("\t", $row);
$html[] = "" .implode("", $row) . "";

$tsv = implode("\r\n", $tsv);
$html = "

" . implode("\r\n", $html) . "

$fileName = 'mysql-to-excel.xls';
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$fileName");

echo $tsv;
//echo $html;

include 'closedb.php';

thank you very much,

Re: problem saving an excel file

am 09.09.2007 18:22:25 von Shion

GD wrote:
> i have a php script to convert a simple query into an excel format
> file (tab delimited) which is called mysql-to-excel. on the author's
> website when i click on the script i download an xls file, but when i
> do the same on my server it just echos back the query without saving a
> file. any ideas. here is the script:

This has much to do with mimetypes and how things are configured, by tradition
products from microsoft are quite bad when it comes to mimetypes. I suggest
you try with application/octet-stream which seems to be the one and only way
to force a microsoft product to always save a file instead of displaying them.



Re: problem saving an excel file

am 09.09.2007 18:22:25 von Shion

GD wrote:
> i have a php script to convert a simple query into an excel format
> file (tab delimited) which is called mysql-to-excel. on the author's
> website when i click on the script i download an xls file, but when i
> do the same on my server it just echos back the query without saving a
> file. any ideas. here is the script:

This has much to do with mimetypes and how things are configured, by tradition
products from microsoft are quite bad when it comes to mimetypes. I suggest
you try with application/octet-stream which seems to be the one and only way
to force a microsoft product to always save a file instead of displaying them.

