select number
am 10.09.2007 17:49:11 von JimJx
This is probably a very easy question but I couldn't find it in the
I have a select
SELECT * FROM valley WHERE category = ?
But I need to be able to find any number, 1, 2, 89, 153... etc.
How do I do that???
Re: select number
am 10.09.2007 18:12:02 von Paul Lalli
On Sep 10, 11:49 am, JimJx wrote:
> This is probably a very easy question but I couldn't find it in the
> docs.
> I have a select
> SELECT * FROM valley WHERE category = ?
> But I need to be able to find any number, 1, 2, 89, 153... etc.
> How do I do that???
How do you do what??? Your question is nonsensical. What do the
numbers 1, 2, 89, 153 have to do with the SQL statement you pasted?
What does "any number" have to do with that statement?
Your question is very poorly phrased. At a minimum, you should be
posting sample input and desired output of whatever problem it is
you're having.
Paul Lalli
Re: select number
am 10.09.2007 18:56:49 von usenet
On Sep 10, 8:49 am, JimJx wrote:
> I have a select
> SELECT * FROM valley WHERE category = ?
> But I need to be able to find any number, 1, 2, 89, 153... etc.
Huh??? Do you mean you want to select all rows where the value of the
category column is numeric? Or are you trying to select all rows
where the category column matches some particular number or group of
FWIW, that's not a Perl question...
The best way to get a good answer is to ask a good question.
David Filmer (