Free guitars

Free guitars

am 12.09.2007 22:17:43 von nutsbreaker3

Win a free guitar today!!!!

Re: Free guitars

am 12.09.2007 22:51:59 von the Bede

wrote in message
> Win a free guitar today!!!!
woohoo, more spyware!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Free guitars

am 13.09.2007 00:33:32 von Christopher Benson-Manica

In comp.lang.c the Bede wrote:

> wrote in message
>> (snip spam)

> (snip response)

Please do not reply to spam, or, if you are simply unable to help
yourself, at least a) trim the crosspost list appropriately, and b)
don't help the spammer by reposting its url.

(tin won't let me set followups to /dev/null; I've done the next best

C. Benson Manica | I appreciate all corrections, polite or otherwise.
cbmanica(at) |
----------------------| I do not currently read any posts posted through | Google groups, due to rampant unchecked spam.