Re: Observations regarding redirection

Re: Observations regarding redirection

am 14.09.2007 15:58:15 von Tyno Gendo

yes, i fell into that trap once...

you always need to exit( header('Location: /blah.php') ); to avoid code
after the header being executed.

Kevin Thorpe wrote:
> Albert Ahtenberg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I don't know if it is only me but I was sure that header("Location:url")
>> redirects the browser instantly to URL, or at least stops the
>> execution of
>> the code. But appearantely it continues to execute the code until the
>> browser send his reply to the header instruction. So an exit(); after
>> each
>> redirection won't hurt at all
> header('Location:xxx') simply adds the redirection as a header line at
> the top of the document. The rest of the script still continues to
> execute. Once the browser has loaded the document it reads the header
> and goes off to load the redirected page. You will need an exit() after
> such a redirection.