Image processing in perl?

Image processing in perl?

am 14.09.2007 05:03:31 von jis


I want to detect or identify objects on an image.
Does perl has any image processing related applications in use.


Re: Image processing in perl?

am 14.09.2007 18:58:46 von Narthring

On Sep 13, 10:03 pm, jis wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to detect or identify objects on an image.
> Does perl has any image processing related applications in use.
> ChEeRs,
> jis

Take a look at ImageMagick. It is a program that has a Perl
interface. You can use it to read an image into an array in Perl and
then detect or identify the objects based on pixel color.

Re: Image processing in perl?

am 14.09.2007 20:24:20 von Bill H

On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, jis wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to detect or identify objects on an image.
> Does perl has any image processing related applications in use.
> ChEeRs,
> jis

Image magick would allow you to convert the image to a standard format
that you could then look at with perl. Curious - what would you be
looking for in the image? shapes? colors?

Bill H

Re: Image processing in perl?

am 15.09.2007 01:14:56 von jis

On Sep 14, 1:24 pm, Bill H wrote:
> On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, jis wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to detect or identify objects on an image.
> > Does perl has any image processing related applications in use.
> > ChEeRs,
> > jis
> Image magick would allow you to convert the image to a standard format
> that you could then look at with perl. Curious - what would you be
> looking for in the image? shapes? colors?
> Bill H

I have a defined format. I want to find out if the given format
matches the defined format. Mostly it is text. sometimes images too
But I always have white background and black text on it.
Challenge is even I have to find out even printing spills.

Do you have more inputs. I am starting from zero. How about Prima? Is
that good enough for a try?
