Oneliner problem with < and > in variable

Oneliner problem with < and > in variable

am 14.09.2007 10:41:19 von Ansim


I have this oneliner
$_PERL -ni -we 'BEGIN{@content=3D'$_new_start'} if(/'$_start'/){s//
@content/;print}else{print}' SMOinfo.xml

where $_start is , a xml pragma, and
$_new_start is "

Any suggestions on how to solve this?


Re: Oneliner problem with < and > in variable

am 14.09.2007 10:54:44 von Peter Makholm

Ansim writes:

> I have this oneliner
> $_PERL -ni -we 'BEGIN{@content='$_new_start'} if(/'$_start'/){s//
> @content/;print}else{print}' SMOinfo.xml
> where $_start is , a xml pragma, and
> $_new_start is "
> Any suggestions on how to solve this?

In perl one-liners:

-n ' if ( // ) { s///; print } else { print } '

Is usually written as:

-p ' s/// '


$_PERL -ni -we 'BEGIN{@content='$_new_start'}
if(/'$_start'/){s//@content/;print}else{print}' SMOinfo.xml

*Should* be written as:

$_PERL -pi -we 'BEGIN{$content='$_new_start'} s/'$_start'/$content/' SMOinfo.xml

Or perhaps just:

$_PERL -pi -we 's/'$_start'/'$_new_start'/' SMOinfo.xml

If that doesn't work then you could try something like this:

$_PERL -spi -we 's/$x/$y/o' -- -x="$_start" -y="$_new_start" SMOinfo.xml

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order. -- Larry Wall

Re: Oneliner problem with < and > in variable

am 15.09.2007 11:22:00 von Michal Nazarewicz

Ansim writes:

> Hello,
> I have this oneliner
> $_PERL -ni -we 'BEGIN{@content='$_new_start'} if(/'$_start'/){s//
> @content/;print}else{print}' SMOinfo.xml

How about:

$_PERL -pi -we 'BEGIN{$from = shift @ARGV; $to = shift @ARGV; }
s/$from/$to/o;' "$_start" "$_new_start" SMOinfo.xml

Best regards, _ _
.o. | Liege of Serenly Enlightened Majesty of o' \,=./ `o
..o | Computer Science, Michal "mina86" Nazarewicz (o o)
ooo +-------ooO--(_)--Ooo--

Re: Oneliner problem with < and > in variable

am 18.09.2007 10:36:14 von Ansim

Thanks all for the help.

Glenn and Michal helped a lot.

The rest helped me with understanding the importance of qouting.
Perl interpreted the < and > in a strange way othervise.
