Win32::Daemon for 5.8
am 14.09.2007 12:38:05 von Ferry Bolhar
Hi to all,
I want to run a perl script as a Win32 service. Someone
pointed my to Win32::Daemon
and it looks like the one I was looking for.
Unfortunately, the binary kits are for Perl 5.005 and 5.6
only. I would need a version for 5.8. Perhaps someone
can tell me where I can get this version from?
Many thanks and kind greetings,
Ing Ferry Bolhar
Magistrat der Stadt Wien - MA 14
A-1010 Wien
Re: Win32::Daemon for 5.8
am 18.09.2007 16:35:59 von Reinhard Pagitsch
Hello Ferry,
Ferry Bolhar wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I want to run a perl script as a Win32 service. Someone
> pointed my to Win32::Daemon
> and it looks like the one I was looking for.
> Unfortunately, the binary kits are for Perl 5.005 and 5.6
> only. I would need a version for 5.8. Perhaps someone
> can tell me where I can get this version from?
> Many thanks and kind greetings,
If you want I can send you a Perl5.8 compiled daemon.dll per Mail, but
without any warranties that it work. The source code is very old (from
2002), I had also to change some settings in the source code.
Write me at the mail address in the signature.
PM Mails an rpirpag gmx dot at