csv, perl and German umlaute

csv, perl and German umlaute

am 14.09.2007 16:04:34 von Abadiya


I'm using Mason/Perl. At the moment I'm trying to pull data out of a
csv-file into an html file with the help of Perl. Works fine but I
have problems with the displayal of German umlaute. Sometimes they are
displayed, sometimes I get questionmarks where the umlaute should be.
Changes almost every time I refresh the page.

I've got this line at the beginning of my code to force the page to
use utf8 but it won't work.
<%method .utf8>

Can you help me?

Best Wishes

Re: csv, perl and German umlaute

am 15.09.2007 01:41:10 von Petr Vileta

abadiya wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Mason/Perl. At the moment I'm trying to pull data out of a
> csv-file into an html file with the help of Perl. Works fine but I
> have problems with the displayal of German umlaute. Sometimes they are
> displayed, sometimes I get questionmarks where the umlaute should be.
> Changes almost every time I refresh the page.
> I've got this line at the beginning of my code to force the page to
> use utf8 but it won't work.
> <%method .utf8>
> Can you help me?
I don't know what charset you use in html code but for accented characters
you can use HTML entity codes. For example:
lowercase u-umlaute -> ü

uppercase U-umlaute -> Ü

lowercase e-umlaute -> ë

uppercase E-umlaute -> Ë
Take a look here
http://tlt.psu.edu/suggestions/international/web/codehtml.ht ml


Petr Vileta, Czech republic
(My server rejects all messages from Yahoo and Hotmail. Send me your mail
from another non-spammer site please.)

Re: csv, perl and German umlaute

am 15.09.2007 07:54:00 von Abadiya

> I don't know what charset you use in html code but for accented
> characters you can use HTML entity codes.

But that would mean I have to use entities within the csv-file? If I
do that Perl stops printing after the first umlaut because of the
semicolon in the entity (e.g. ü). :(

Re: csv, perl and German umlaute

am 16.09.2007 03:53:36 von Petr Vileta

abadiya wrote:
>> I don't know what charset you use in html code but for accented
>> characters you can use HTML entity codes.
> But that would mean I have to use entities within the csv-file? If I
> do that Perl stops printing after the first umlaut because of the
> semicolon in the entity (e.g. ü). :(

You wrote in previous message:
> At the moment I'm trying to pull data out of a csv-file into an html
> file...

I mean to read csv file as is and recode on the fly to html entities.
For example csv file is this


and perl for read scv and send to user browser is this

use strict;
use HTML::Entities;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n",
" charset=iso-8859-2\">",
open CSV,"< sample.csv" or die "Can't open csv file";
while (my $row = )
my ($forname,$surname) = split(/;/, $row);
$forname = encode_entities($forname);
$surrname = encode_entities($surname);
print "$forname $surname\n
close CSV;
print "\n\n";


Petr Vileta, Czech republic
(My server rejects all messages from Yahoo and Hotmail. Send me your mail
from another non-spammer site please.)

Re: csv, perl and German umlaute

am 17.09.2007 17:12:11 von Josef Moellers

abadiya wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Mason/Perl. At the moment I'm trying to pull data out of a
> csv-file into an html file with the help of Perl. Works fine but I
> have problems with the displayal of German umlaute. Sometimes they are
> displayed, sometimes I get questionmarks where the umlaute should be.
> Changes almost every time I refresh the page.
> I've got this line at the beginning of my code to force the page to
> use utf8 but it won't work.
> <%method .utf8>
> Can you help me?

You know that with Text::CSV_XS you have to specify "binary =3D> 1" with =

the new method to pick up those letters (BTDTGT)?
As you have shown us no code, there's little we can tell about what you=20
may do wrong.

These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/imprint.html