In need of friendly advice
am 14.09.2007 21:02:10 von david
I am wondering if any of you could help. I am starting a weblog, and have
had several before. I also am into webpage design, I would prefer not to
release the domain name on a newsgroup, but it has recently changed and is
doing well. I would like one email address, one domain, and one possible
weblog seperately. I have also considered delving into the realm of
webhosting, and currently have a reseller's account with Host Nine. I like
the service, and company. I just am not quite sure what I want to do right
now. I would appreciate your suggestions. I also am concerned about viruses
on my computer from transfering files. Not much is needed right now except
for stability and friendly concern.
Re: In need of friendly advice
am 14.09.2007 21:22:51 von cwdjrxyz
On Sep 14, 2:02 pm, "David" wrote:
> I am wondering if any of you could help. I am starting a weblog, and have
> had several before. I also am into webpage design, I would prefer not to
> release the domain name on a newsgroup, but it has recently changed and is
> doing well. I would like one email address, one domain, and one possible
> weblog seperately. I have also considered delving into the realm of
> webhosting, and currently have a reseller's account with Host Nine. I like
> the service, and company. I just am not quite sure what I want to do right
> now. I would appreciate your suggestions. I also am concerned about viruses
> on my computer from transfering files. Not much is needed right now except
> for stability and friendly concern.
There is a glut of web hosts catering to small business. For a very
reasonable fee you can get more features than most people ever will
need. You get a huge bandwidth and disc space in the basic charge,
php, many other server-side scripts and tools, up to hundreds of mail
accounts that you can set up under your domain in a few key clicks. I
am using at present which meets all of
my needs. This post is made using one of my email addresses there. It
is set up to dump all email replies to my post to avoid all of the
spam you get when you post on Usenet. Should I start getting spam on
it, I can delete this mail address and set up a new one in just a very
few minutes. I use other email addresses for personal mail, business
mail, etc set up to allow replies. You should investigate several
hosts to find the one best suited to your needs now and in the future.