Can you explain this script ?

Can you explain this script ?

am 15.09.2007 20:37:39 von apogeusistemas

Can you explain this script ?

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

$0 !~ /^ / {
time = $1;

$0 ~ /^ / {
print time substr($0, length(time) + 1);

Thank you.

Re: Can you explain this script ?

am 15.09.2007 21:12:40 von Ed Morton wrote:
> Hi:
> Can you explain this script ?
> #!/usr/bin/awk -f
> $0 !~ /^ / {

If (this record doesn't start with a space) {

> time = $1;

set the variable "time" to the value of the first field

> print;

and print the current record

> }


> $0 ~ /^ / {

If (this record starts with a space) {

> print time substr($0, length(time) + 1);

print the current record, replacing the first "length of string stored
in the variable time' characters by the value of "time".

> }



Re: Can you explain this script ?

am 16.09.2007 00:04:59 von Bill Marcum

On Sat, 15 Sep 2007 18:37:39 -0000,
> Hi:
> Can you explain this script ?
> #!/usr/bin/awk -f
> $0 !~ /^ / {
> time = $1;
> print;
> }
If the first character in the input line is not a space, store the first
field in the variable "time".

> $0 ~ /^ / {
> print time substr($0, length(time) + 1);
> }
If the first character is a space, print the value of time, followed by
the rest of the line.

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