how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 15.09.2007 19:50:56 von PaulS

I have a line of text like this:

m1 (d g s b) en (w=wdnfing l=l as=1e-20 ad=1e-20 ps=1e-20 pd=1e-20)

I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the following
(without success):


I also tried:


Why do both of these attempts fail? And, could someone show me the right
way (or one possible way) to get the job done?!



Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 15.09.2007 21:48:40 von Paul Lalli

On Sep 15, 1:50 pm, pauls wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a line of text like this:
> m1 (d g s b) en (w=wdnfing l=l as=1e-20 ad=1e-20 ps=1e-20 pd=1e-20)
> I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the following
> (without success):
> s/)//g;
> s/)//g;
> I also tried:
> s')''g;
> s'(''g;
> Why do both of these attempts fail?

( and ) are special characters in a regexp. They need to be escaped.


> And, could someone show me the right way (or one possible way) to
> get the job done?!

In one statement:


Paul Lalli

Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 15.09.2007 22:54:34 von Dummy

pauls wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a line of text like this:
> m1 (d g s b) en (w=wdnfing l=l as=1e-20 ad=1e-20 ps=1e-20 pd=1e-20)
> I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the following
> (without success):
> s/)//g;
> s/)//g;
> I also tried:
> s')''g;
> s'(''g;
> Why do both of these attempts fail?

Because the '(' and ')' characters mean something special to a regular expression.

> And, could someone show me the right
> way (or one possible way) to get the job done?!

Don't use regular expressions:


Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order. -- Larry Wall

Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 16.09.2007 17:41:58 von PaulS

pauls wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a line of text like this:
> m1 (d g s b) en (w=wdnfing l=l as=1e-20 ad=1e-20 ps=1e-20 pd=1e-20)
> I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the following
> (without success):
> s/)//g;
> s/)//g;
> I also tried:
> s')''g;
> s'(''g;
> Why do both of these attempts fail? And, could someone show me the right
> way (or one possible way) to get the job done?!
> Thanks
> P.

Thanks guys, that helped a lot!

What does it mean to "escape" from regxpr ?

This kind of thing comes-up all the time for me as it seems I am
frequently trying to massage a text file to remove things Like
parentheses , brackets and also quotes and dollar signs $.



Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 16.09.2007 18:48:12 von Bob Walton

pauls wrote:
> What does it mean to "escape" from regxpr ?

There are a number of characters that have special meaning in Perl
regular expressions, such as ^.*+?$()[]{}|\ . For the complete list, see:

perldoc perlre

In addition, a regular expression has a delimiter character, / by
default. If you desire these characters to have their literal meaning
rather than their special meaning, they must be "escaped". Usually this
is done with a \ preceding the character. For example:

/a.b/ will match the strings aab, abb, acb, adb, ...
/a\.b/ will match only the string a.b

Note that . is a regular expression metacharacter that has the property
of matching almost any single character when it appears in a regexp.

> Paul
Bob Walton

Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 18.09.2007 15:23:44 von chris-usenet

pauls wrote:
> I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the following
> (without success):

> s/)//g;
> s/)//g;

This has already been answered by others, but what's puzzling me is that
over here on perl 5.8.8 this triggers an appropriate error message:

$ perl -e 's/(//'
Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/( <-- HERE / at -e line 1.

Yet pauls doesn't allude to this at all. Is this message a relatively
new feature?


Re: how to remove parentheses from a line in a file - need help!

am 18.09.2007 16:14:46 von Paul Lalli

On Sep 18, 9:23 am, Chris Davies wrote:
> pauls wrote:
> > I am reading-in the file in using $_ and I tried to do the
> > following (without success):
> > s/)//g;
> > s/)//g;
> This has already been answered by others, but what's puzzling me
> is that over here on perl 5.8.8 this triggers an appropriate error
> message:
> $ perl -e 's/(//'
> Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/( <-- HERE / at
> -e line 1.
> Yet pauls doesn't allude to this at all.

pauls's descriptions of the error were: "I tried to do the following
(without success):" and "Why do both of these attempts fail?". He
never indicated whether that failure was incorrect results or syntax
errors. I'm 95% willing to bet he got the same syntax error you did,
but didn't think it was worth mentioning.

Paul Lalli