Problem with my perl script - old records getting over written by new $completedData

Problem with my perl script - old records getting over written by new $completedData

am 16.09.2007 04:56:19 von vivekm1234

Hi, Background: is a open src torrent tracker, that uses
the option --dfile fileName, to save state information in. The file is
bencoded and has parts of it's content in binary. The encoding specs
and file format are described here:

I am trying to write my own Perl script to create my own "dfile".

Data from a valid dstateFile (binary data has been converted to

d9:completedd20:.i.?.vk..&.7.....g..i0ee5:peersd20:.i.?.vk.. &.
d20:-AZ2504-4PGqC1Tza6WDd2:ip9: ti12415246

The above data when you interpret correctly (based on the
forms a data structure like so:

{ 'completed' => { $shaHashBin => '0' }
'peers' => { $shaHashBin => { $clientID { ip => $ipAddr, key=>
$Key, left=>'0', nat=>'0', port=>$port}
$clientID2 { ip =>
$ipAddr, key=>$Key, left=>'0', nat=>'0', port=>$port}

Unfortunately for some reason $clientID is not being expanded properly
and instead of getting ClientID1/ClientID2/ClientID3 etc and their
associated ip/key/left/nat/port entries, all i get is a
single entry! I'm sure that the old records/entries are being
overwritten by the new entries - so I'm left with a perfectly valid
dstateFile with the last ip:port pair that was read from the file!

I also tried something like so:
($ipAddr, $port) = split(/:/);

$clientID = RandomString(20);
$key = RandomString(8);

# dflist file structure.

while () {
($ipAddr, $port) = split(/:/);

$clientID = RandomString(20);
$key = RandomString(8);

$completedData->{'peers'}->{$clientID} =
MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port);

This works and the records don;t get overwritten BUT the file format
is broken and i get data like so: d9:completedd20:.i.?.vk..&.
d20:-AZ2504-4PGqC1Tza6WDd2:ip9: ti12415246

Note the (eeee) That's }}}}. There should be 5 of them :( also note
eee20 - that should read ee20 :( Oh, and note: bencode breaks if the
torrentfile is complicated (just in case you actually debug

------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------
# Program to create a file called dflist that can
#use strict;
#use warnings;

use POSIX qw(strftime);

use Getopt::Std;
use URI::Escape 'uri_escape_utf8';
use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64);
use Convert::Bencode qw(bencode bdecode);

my ($torrentFile, $ipFile, $dflistFile);
my $debug=0;

(my $progname = $0) =~ s|.*/||;

sub UsageError() {
print STDERR "\nusage: $progname torrentFile ipFile dfileName\n";

sub FatalError( $ ) {
print STDERR "$progname: @_\n";

sub GetRunConfig() {
# If we have more than two arguments signal a error.
UsageError if (@ARGV != 3);

if (@ARGV == 3) { $torrentFile = $ARGV[0];
$ipFile = $ARGV[1];
$dflistFile = $ARGV[2]; }

sub ReadFile( $ ) {
my ($pathname) = @_;
local $/;
my $FH;
open($FH, '<', $pathname)
or FatalError("cannot open $pathname for reading: $!");
my $contents = <$FH>;
close $FH;
return $contents;

sub WriteFile( $$ ) {
my $FH;
my ($pathname, $contents) = @_;
open($FH, '>', $pathname)
or FatalError("cannot open $pathname for writing: $!");
# Required because we are writing binary data
print $FH $contents;
or FatalError("error writing to file $pathname: $!");

sub RandomString( $ ) {
my ($lenOfRanStr) = @_;
my @chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_');
my $ranStr;

foreach (1..$lenOfRanStr) {
# rand @chars will generate a random
# number between 0 and scalar @chars
$ranStr .= $chars[rand @chars];
return $ranStr;

sub MakeClientHash( $$$ ) {
my ($ipAddr, $key, $port) = @_;
return { ip => $ipAddr,
key => $key,
left => '0',
nat => '0',
port => $port };

sub CreateDflist {
# Creates a dflist file based on the torrentfile and the
# ipaddress file you provide.
my ($contents, $contentsRef, $shaHashBin, $completedData);

# Read the supplied torrentfile, extract the info values, and compute
# the sha1 hash in binary form ($shaHashBin).
$contents = ReadFile($torrentFile);
$contentsRef = bdecode($contents);
$shaHashBin = sha1(bencode($contentsRef->{'info'}));
my ( $clientID, $ipAddr, $key, $port);

# Read $ipFile and get the $ipAddr:$port pairs for the $torrentFile.
open(IPFILE, $ipFile)
or die "can't open $ipFile: $!";

while() {
chomp $_;
($ipAddr, $port) = split(/:/);

$clientID = RandomString(20);
$key = RandomString(8);

# dflist file structure.
$completedData = {
'completed' => { $shaHashBin => '0' },
'peers' => { $shaHashBin => {$clientID =>

MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port)} }

# Write dflist data after encoding.
my $encString = bencode($completedData);
WriteFile("$dflistFile", $encString);

print $encString;


Re: Problem with my perl script - old records getting over written by new $completedData

am 16.09.2007 17:08:06 von vivekm1234

Hi, i shortened it. This is the kind of data structure i need to
assign to a anonymous
hash called $completedData. $completedData is passed to bencode to
it and the encoded data is written to disk. (I am a noob at Perl! The
problem just looks complicated..)

Template Data Structure i need to create, that $completedData refers
to: (clientID1,2,3,4 etc..)
This data structure is then encoded by bencode, and put to disk thus
creating a valid file that
bttrack.oy can understand.

{ 'completed' => { $shaHashBin => '0' }
'peers' => { $shaHashBin => { $clientID1 {
ip => $ipAddr, key =>
left=>'0', nat=>'0',
$clientID2 {
ip =>$ipAddr, key=>
left=>'0', nat=>'0',

#Perl code i am using (suitably edited for clarity):

sub MakeClientHash( $$$ ) {
my ($ipAddr, $key, $port) = @_;
return { ip => $ipAddr,
key => $key,
left => '0',
nat => '0',
port => $port };


sub CreateDflist {


while() {
chomp $_;
($ipAddr, $port) = split(/:/);

$clientID = RandomString(20);
$key = RandomString(8);

# dflist file structure.
$completedData = {
'completed' => { $shaHashBin => '0' },
'peers' => { $shaHashBin => {$clientID =>
MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port)} }

# Write dflist data after encoding.
my $encString = bencode($completedData);
WriteFile("$dflistFile", $encString);

print $encString;



The code runs without any errors BUT i get only one valid record on
file - $clientIDXX where XX is the last ip:port pair in file.

Re: Problem with my perl script - old records getting over writtenby new $completedData

am 16.09.2007 17:48:39 von Dummy

Vivek.M wrote:
> Hi, i shortened it. This is the kind of data structure i need to
> assign to a anonymous hash called $completedData. $completedData
> is passed to bencode to encode it and the encoded data is written
> to disk. (I am a noob at Perl! The problem just looks complicated..)
> Template Data Structure i need to create, that $completedData refers
> to: (clientID1,2,3,4 etc..)
> This data structure is then encoded by bencode, and put to disk thus
> creating a valid file that bttrack.oy can understand.
> [ SNIP ]
> #Perl code i am using (suitably edited for clarity):
> [ SNIP ]
> sub CreateDflist {
> ||
> while() {
> chomp $_;
> ($ipAddr, $port) = split(/:/);
> $clientID = RandomString(20);
> $key = RandomString(8);
> # dflist file structure.
> $completedData = {
> 'completed' => { $shaHashBin => '0' },
> 'peers' => { $shaHashBin => {$clientID =>
> MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port)} }
> };

You are assigning a single (anonymous) hash for every record in the file which
is why only the last one is saved.

You need to assign values to hash keys instead:

$completedData->{ completed }{ $shaHashBin } = 0;
$completedData->{ peers }{ $shaHashBin }{ $clientID } = MakeClientHash(
$ipAddr, $key, $port );

> }
> # Write dflist data after encoding.
> my $encString = bencode($completedData);
> WriteFile("$dflistFile", $encString);
> print $encString;
> }
> CreateDflist;
> The code runs without any errors BUT i get only one valid record on
> file - $clientIDXX where XX is the last ip:port pair in file.

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order. -- Larry Wall

Re: Problem with my perl script - old records getting over written by new $completedData

am 16.09.2007 18:06:10 von vivekm1234

Hey John, it's working :) :) Yeah! Ugh!! I did it the right way the
first time but i did this:
$completedData->{'peers'}->{$clientID} =
MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port);
instead of this:
$completedData->{'peers'}->{'shaHashBin'}->{$clientID} =
MakeClientHash($ipAddr, $key, $port);

So my structure got mangled and then i did the other garbage! Many
thanks! Also, a huge thanks to the guys on freenodes #perl who rock!
They told me the same thing :) Needless to say i am very please

Re: Problem with my perl script - old records getting over written by new $completedData

am 16.09.2007 19:28:53 von vivekm1234

err {$shaHashBin}