FAQ 3.23 Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
am 16.09.2007 09:03:02 von PerlFAQ ServerThis is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq3.pod, which
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3.23: Can I write useful Perl programs on the command line?
Yes. Read perlrun for more information. Some examples follow. (These
assume standard Unix shell quoting rules.)
# sum first and last fields
perl -lane 'print $F[0] + $F[-1]' *
# identify text files
perl -le 'for(@ARGV) {print if -f && -T _}' *
# remove (most) comments from C program
perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
# make file a month younger than today, defeating reaper daemons
perl -e '$X=24*60*60; utime(time(),time() + 30 * $X,@ARGV)' *
# find first unused uid
perl -le '$i++ while getpwuid($i); print $i'
# display reasonable manpath
echo $PATH | perl -nl -072 -e '
OK, the last one was actually an Obfuscated Perl Contest entry. :-)
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