Help Prima work on WIndows!!
am 17.09.2007 20:26:07 von jisI am having really a tought time making Prima work on WIndows.
I get an error "No appropriate Codec found"
I have installed
1. Prima 1.22
2. Prima-prigraph-win32-1.01 from CPAN.
3. I use WIndows xp.
4. Visual Studio 6.0
Anything I can do to make it work fine.
My sample code was
use Prima qw(Application);
# create a new image from scratch
my $i = Prima::Image-> new(
width => 32,
height => 32,
type => im::BW, # same as im::bpp1 | im::GrayScale
# draw something
$i-> begin_paint;
$i-> color( cl::White);
$i-> ellipse( 5, 5, 10, 10);
$i-> end_paint;
# mangle
$i-> size( 64, 64);
# file operations
$i-> save('paint.gif') or die "Error saving:$@\n";
$i-> load('paint.gif') or die "Error loading:$@\n";