Web interface to script?

Web interface to script?

am 19.09.2007 23:02:15 von thorassic5

I have a perl script sitting in svn repos, associated with many web
development projects at my work. The script scoops the repo revision
# and dumps it into a .txt that developers then print out to their
pages to ensure version compatiblity (for me in qa, i can see what
version im looking at and tell quickly what is a new bug and what's
been fixed, etc..) It was recently requested that I add a 'web based
interface' to my script(s, we are currently working on 20+ projects)
to basically have a 'button that runs the script before the developers
update their local repo'.
Im not a super perl hacker, and dont know cgi very well, is there any
pointers you can give me on how to accomplish this (or even better, a
script that updates on checkout)?

Re: Web interface to script?

am 20.09.2007 17:53:39 von glex_no-spam

Mike Stroud wrote:
> I have a perl script sitting in svn repos

whatever that is..

>, associated with many web
> development projects at my work. The script scoops the repo revision
> # and dumps it into a .txt that developers then print out to their
> pages to ensure version compatiblity (for me in qa, i can see what
> version im looking at and tell quickly what is a new bug and what's
> been fixed, etc..) It was recently requested that I add a 'web based
> interface' to my script(s, we are currently working on 20+ projects)
> to basically have a 'button that runs the script before the developers
> update their local repo'.
> Im not a super perl hacker, and dont know cgi very well, is there any
> pointers you can give me on how to accomplish this (or even better, a
> script that updates on checkout)?

Ever hear of an Internet search engine or new invention called a book? :-)

There are a lot of CGI tutorials on the Internet, you may use
your favorite search engine to find them. There are also
many CGI related books, some are also available online.

Possibly, something as simple as the following might get you started:

use CGI qw( :standard );

my $out = `/some/path/to/mikes_perl_script.pl`;

print header,
start_html( 'Output of mikes_perl_script' ),
h2( 'Some output' ),
pre( $out ),

Take a look through the documentation for CGI, for other helpful methods:

perldoc CGI