Re: E_STRICT notices on PEAR MDB2
am 21.09.2007 07:06:00 von petersprc
Hmmm, could try upgrading the modules that are giving errors.
On Sep 20, 6:38 pm, Sal wrote:
> I have error_reporting set at E_ALL | E_STRICT and get 35 Strict
> Standards notices every time I load MDB2. Is this something to be
> concerned about, and is this typical of other PEAR packages?
Re: E_STRICT notices on PEAR MDB2
am 21.09.2007 10:52:27 von Adam Harvey
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 23:38:59 +0000, Sal wrote:
> I have error_reporting set at E_ALL | E_STRICT and get 35 Strict
> Standards notices every time I load MDB2. Is this something to be
> concerned about, and is this typical of other PEAR packages?
It's because MDB2 retains compatibility with PHP4. Pretty much all the
strict messages are related to using is_a() instead of the PHP5
instanceof operator and calling methods statically that don't have the
PHP5 static keyword. Neither should be a problem in practice.
As for other PEAR packages, that depends on the package. Newer PEAR
packages are PHP5-only, and generally should be E_STRICT compliant (and
if they're not, report it as a bug), but older packages (which includes
pretty much all the popular ones, judging by the stats page) retain PHP4
compatibility and hence will have similar issues with E_STRICT.
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