looking for tools/methods to document source code (non-PERL)

looking for tools/methods to document source code (non-PERL)

am 21.09.2007 10:52:14 von Woland99


I am trying to find some tools to facilitate writing design/overview
describing a proprietary language source. The language is used for
real life situation and typical development tasks consist of writing
either completely
new logic or using/extending current structures to model new parts/

It would be helpful to have documentation that would be an overview of
typical tasks (modeling new part - properties and behaviours), flow of
logic, relevant
class attributes or methods etc - that would written as eg. Word file
with frequent links
to source code. My question is mostly about maintaining those links -
since code
constantly evolves and language does not support access restriction so
anybody on
the team can modify any file at any time. So if I write a doc and it
refers to some
specific method and somebody makes modification to that method I would
like to
know about it so I can possibly update the documentation. Likewise
person that
modifies/enhances the code should be warned that there is certain
dependent on that code.

I am looking for sth fairly lightweight - not Literate Programming
type - maybe as
simple as sth to maintain some image of code tagged with unique tags
that can
be referenced in Word documents - and links to proper parts of the
source code.
Maybe with checksums for the methods/classes formed on preprocessed/
code stored in parallel so if any area of the code that has a tag that
is part of any
documents is modified then we can alert developer and document

Thanks for any pointer/keywords/ideas.