map mystery
am 23.09.2007 02:22:04 von Occidental
my @A = qw/one two three/;
print "A: ";
print join " ", @A;
print "\n";
my @A1 = map (ucfirst, @A);
print "A1: ";
print join " ", @A1;
print "\n";
my @A2 = map (reverse, @A);
print "A2: ";
print join " ", @A2;
print "\n";
my $y = reverse "one";
print "y: $y\n";
A: one two three
A1: One Two Three
y: eno
The first map operation works, and reverse works on a scalar, but the
array A2 is empty. Anyone know why?
Re: map mystery
am 23.09.2007 02:33:25 von xhoster
Occidental wrote:
> my @A = qw/one two three/;
> print "A: ";
> print join " ", @A;
> print "\n";
> my @A1 = map (ucfirst, @A);
> print "A1: ";
> print join " ", @A1;
> print "\n";
> my @A2 = map (reverse, @A);
You are reversing the empty list, which of course just gives the empty
list. The concatenation of a bunch of empty lists is still an empty list.
The reverse only operates on $_ implicitly when it is in a scalar context,
while map invokes its thingy in a list context. So put it into scalar
context explicitly:
my @A2 = map scalar reverse, @A;
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