Count across 3 tables

Count across 3 tables

am 24.09.2007 00:49:55 von JSOUL Rocks

I've got a few different tables that track video game consoles people
use in their profile. The tables are below. I'm trying to do two
counts/sorts and display them properly.

(1) sort the fields by country
(2) In each country, display the number consoles owned by members
sorted by brand and model. So it should output like this:

country, brand name, model number, number of owners
US, microsoft, xbox1, 5432
US, sony, playstation1, 4345
US, sony, playstation2, 5456
Mexico, microsoft, xbox1, 4432
Mexico, sony, playstation2, 4545


The tables I have are as follows and the problem is that I could
reference 2 tables but not 3. The challenge is that the reference

(1) members and countries tables (countrynum and countryname)
(2) members and consoles tables (consolemodelid = consoleid)
(3) consoles and consolebrands tables (consolebrandid = brandsid)

and then each ID has to do a lookup to return the name associated with
the ID, the console model to consoleid, the brandsname to the
brandsid, and the countryname to the countryid.

members table

consoles table

countries table

consolebrands table

Right now I've been working with this query but I'm can't handle all
these tables since there are now three cross referenced instead of
just two:

SELECT consolebrands.brandsname, members.consolemodelid, count( * )
AS count
FROM members, consoles, consolebrands, countries where (
(members.consolemodelid = consoles.consoleid) and
(consoles.consolebrandid = )
GROUP BY consolebrands.brandsname

And I'm totally stuck! As it has been a while, I'm hoping someone can
help me out as I learn more complex queries. Thank you!

Re: Count across 3 tables

am 24.09.2007 11:15:56 von Captain Paralytic

On 23 Sep, 23:49, JSOUL Rocks
> I've got a few different tables that track video game consoles people
> use in their profile. The tables are below. I'm trying to do two
> counts/sorts and display them properly.
> (1) sort the fields by country
> (2) In each country, display the number consoles owned by members
> sorted by brand and model. So it should output like this:
> country, brand name, model number, number of owners
> US, microsoft, xbox1, 5432
> US, sony, playstation1, 4345
> US, sony, playstation2, 5456
> Mexico, microsoft, xbox1, 4432
> Mexico, sony, playstation2, 4545
> etc.
> The tables I have are as follows and the problem is that I could
> reference 2 tables but not 3. The challenge is that the reference
> between:
> (1) members and countries tables (countrynum and countryname)
> (2) members and consoles tables (consolemodelid = consoleid)
> (3) consoles and consolebrands tables (consolebrandid = brandsid)
> and then each ID has to do a lookup to return the name associated with
> the ID, the console model to consoleid, the brandsname to the
> brandsid, and the countryname to the countryid.
> members table
> userid
> username
> countrynum
> consolemodelid
> consoles table
> consoleid
> consolemodel
> consolebrandid
> countries table
> countryid
> countryname
> consolebrands table
> brandsid
> brandsname
> Right now I've been working with this query but I'm can't handle all
> these tables since there are now three cross referenced instead of
> just two:
> SELECT consolebrands.brandsname, members.consolemodelid, count( * )
> AS count
> FROM members, consoles, consolebrands, countries where (
> (members.consolemodelid = consoles.consoleid) and
> (consoles.consolebrandid = )
> GROUP BY consolebrands.brandsname
> And I'm totally stuck! As it has been a while, I'm hoping someone can
> help me out as I learn more complex queries. Thank you!

Do not multi-post. Cross-post if you must but don't multi post It
people's time.

Re: Count across 3 tables

am 02.10.2007 12:13:46 von severin

select country.countryname,consolebrands.brandname,
console.model_number,count(*) as number_of_owners

from country, members, consolebrand,console

members.contrynum = country.contrynum
and members.consoleid = console.consoleid
and console.consolebrandid = consolebrand.brandid

group by country.countryname,consolebrands.brandname, console.model_number

JSOUL Rocks wrote:
> I've got a few different tables that track video game consoles people
> use in their profile. The tables are below. I'm trying to do two
> counts/sorts and display them properly.
> (1) sort the fields by country
> (2) In each country, display the number consoles owned by members
> sorted by brand and model. So it should output like this:
> country, brand name, model number, number of owners
> US, microsoft, xbox1, 5432
> US, sony, playstation1, 4345
> US, sony, playstation2, 5456
> Mexico, microsoft, xbox1, 4432
> Mexico, sony, playstation2, 4545
> etc.
> The tables I have are as follows and the problem is that I could
> reference 2 tables but not 3. The challenge is that the reference
> between:
> (1) members and countries tables (countrynum and countryname)
> (2) members and consoles tables (consolemodelid = consoleid)
> (3) consoles and consolebrands tables (consolebrandid = brandsid)
> and then each ID has to do a lookup to return the name associated with
> the ID, the console model to consoleid, the brandsname to the
> brandsid, and the countryname to the countryid.
> members table
> userid
> username
> countrynum
> consolemodelid
> consoles table
> consoleid
> consolemodel
> consolebrandid
> countries table
> countryid
> countryname
> consolebrands table
> brandsid
> brandsname
> Right now I've been working with this query but I'm can't handle all
> these tables since there are now three cross referenced instead of
> just two:
> SELECT consolebrands.brandsname, members.consolemodelid, count( * )
> AS count
> FROM members, consoles, consolebrands, countries where (
> (members.consolemodelid = consoles.consoleid) and
> (consoles.consolebrandid = )
> GROUP BY consolebrands.brandsname
> And I'm totally stuck! As it has been a while, I'm hoping someone can
> help me out as I learn more complex queries. Thank you!