Regular expression help

Regular expression help

am 26.09.2007 12:03:01 von Karin J

Hi everyone

I am using a ereg_replace to strip all but certain allowed characters
from a string:
$string =3D ereg_replace("([^ 0-9A-Za-zŠŒŽšœž=
ŸÀ-ÖØ-öø-þ-])","",$string );

I would like to extend this to allow HTML character references of the
form "&#number;" where number is the three or four digit code number
of the character. Examples would be "ä" and "ẽ".

I am sorry but regular expressions hurt my brain!

Thankyou in advance

Re: Regular expression help

am 26.09.2007 15:21:45 von Steve

"Karin J" wrote in message
Hi everyone

I am using a ereg_replace to strip all but certain allowed characters
from a string:
$string = ereg_replace("([^ 0-9A-Za-zSOZsozYÀ-ÖØ-öø-þ-])","",$string);

use preg. read the manual for an explanation.

I would like to extend this to allow HTML character references of the
form "&#number;" where number is the three or four digit code number
of the character. Examples would be "ä" and "ẽ".

I am sorry but regular expressions hurt my brain!

as well as reading the manual. ;^) were you to have, you'd notice that you
would have been instructed to use preg rather than ereg for a miriad of
reasons. not only that, but you'd see an example of preg_replace doing
*exactly* what you're asking help on.

if regex hurts your brain, don't use won't be able to maintain it
once you initially write it. it is a language in itself.