Retreiving image from access DB and displaying in an ASP page
am 28.09.2007 12:44:14 von i.sobhaHi,
I tried retreiving an image from an access data base and display it to
the asp page .
The code is shown below. But the same is not working. Can someone
provide me with some valuable inputs.
Save the belo code in an asp ShowPicture.asp
'Declare Variables..
Dim sql
Dim rs
Dim conn
Dim userID,str
userID = Request("PhotoId")
If userID = "" Then userID = 1
'Instantiate Objects
Set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & "Data source=C:
'Get the specific image based on the ID passed in a querystring
str = "SELECT * FROM users where user_id =" & userID
rs.Open str, conn,3,3
if rs.eof then 'No records found
else 'Display the contents
Response.ContentType = "image/jpg"
end if
'destroy the variables.
set rs = Nothing
set conn = Nothing
2) Create another asp page image.asp with the belo code
image.asp is called first which tries to get the image from
ShowPicture.asp. I seem to get the package data in binary format . No
image is getting displayed.
Thanks in advance,