Copy using system

Copy using system

am 01.10.2007 23:30:39 von lerameur

I wrote a small script in perl.
this is the line that is buggy:

mkdir ("/ins/$Out_directory/aux", 0777);
system(`cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux `);

I use the above command , the files do get copied, but the command do
not exit once it is finished. It just hangs there and do not proceed,
I need to hit ctlr-Z . no error message. what is wrong


Re: Copy using system

am 01.10.2007 23:44:41 von glex_no-spam

lerameur wrote:
> hello,
> I wrote a small script in perl.
> this is the line that is buggy:
> mkdir ("/ins/$Out_directory/aux", 0777);
> system(`cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux `);
> I use the above command , the files do get copied, but the command do
> not exit once it is finished. It just hangs there and do not proceed,
> I need to hit ctlr-Z . no error message. what is wrong

1. Check if mkdir was successful.
2. Use double-quotes.

Re: Copy using system

am 02.10.2007 01:52:37 von Keith Keller

On 2007-10-01, lerameur wrote:
> mkdir ("/ins/$Out_directory/aux", 0777);
> system(`cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux `);

This is really not doing what you probably expect. You're sending the
stdout of the cp command to system! There is likely no stdout, so this

> I use the above command , the files do get copied, but the command do
> not exit once it is finished. It just hangs there and do not proceed,
> I need to hit ctlr-Z . no error message. what is wrong

So, either use system or use backticks, but definitely not both in the
same command.


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Re: Copy using system

am 02.10.2007 02:12:02 von jurgenex

lerameur wrote:
> I wrote a small script in perl.
> this is the line that is buggy:
> mkdir ("/ins/$Out_directory/aux", 0777);
> system(`cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux `);

Why are you using the output of the cp command as the argument for system()?
I highly doubt that is what you meant to do.

Anyway, if you want to copy files then you may want to check the File::Copy


Re: Copy using system

am 02.10.2007 08:54:31 von Joe Smith

lerameur wrote:
> system(`cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux `);
> I use the above command , the files do get copied, but the command do
> not exit once it is finished. It just hangs there and do not proceed,
> I need to hit ctlr-Z . no error message. what is wrong

We already gave you the answer to your posting of 28 Sep 2007 13:07:08.
(Message-ID: <>)
Were you not paying attention?

You screwed up by using `` instead of "". You need

system("cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux");


system("cp -p * /dir/$Out_directory/aux") == 0 or warn
"'cp' failed with error code ",($?>>8),", signal ",($?&0xff);


Re: Copy using system

am 03.10.2007 01:30:19 von rvtol+news

Jürgen Exner schreef:

> if you want to copy files then you may want to check the
> File::Copy module.

Or maybe not:

"Another of those Perl modules that should never have been made."

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"Gewoon is een tijger."