jabba the tuh

jabba the tuh

am 02.10.2007 23:52:09 von merl the perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Net::NNTP ();

use constant NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES => 10;
use constant GROUP_NAME => 'alt.test';
use constant SERVER_NAME => 'newsgroups.comcast.net';
use constant NNTP_DEBUG => 0;

my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new(SERVER_NAME, 'Debug' => NNTP_DEBUG) or die;
my $USER = '';
my $PASS = '';

$nntp->authinfo($USER,$PASS) or die $!;

my($article_count, $first_article, $last_article) =

$nntp->group(GROUP_NAME) or die;

# Which XOVER fields contain Subject: and From:?
my $count = 0;
my %xover_fmt = map( ($_, $count++), @{ $nntp->overview_fmt or die} );
die unless exists $xover_fmt{'Subject:'};
my $subject_offset = $xover_fmt{'Subject:'};
my $from_offset = $xover_fmt{'From:'};

my(@xover, $start_article);
RETRIEVE: while ($#xover+1 < NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES and $last_article >=

$first_article) {

# How many articles do we need? Stop retrieving if we have enough
my $articles_required = NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES - ($#xover+1) or last


# Fetch overview information for the articles
$start_article = $last_article - ($articles_required-1);
$start_article = $start_article > $first_article ? $start_article :


my $xover_query = $start_article == $last_article ?
$start_article :
[$start_article, $last_article];
my $xover_ref = $nntp->xover($xover_query) or die;

# Store headers for the articles we've retrieved
foreach (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %$xover_ref) {
push @xover, $xover_ref->{$_};
} continue {
# Move the pointer forward to fetch previous articles
$last_article = $start_article - 1;

# Disconnect from the NNTP server

print join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset].' from

'.$_->[$from_offset], @xover)),"\n";
#end source begin comment

comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and save the
girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads. I can assure anyone who
wants to killfile me that they are antecedently non-entities in my life.

comment2) I think I'm making myself plenty clear, but without a referent
script, my questions are vague.

comment3) My output for this is:
echolot ping - ignore from Nomen Nescio
echolot ping - ignore from Anonymous
Testing 1191356933 from
jabba the tuh from "Wade Ward"
TEST TEST from @somewhere.com
Test from John Navas
Re: Open Source Developers Shun Micoshaft Corporation from "dennis@home"

Re: Open Source Developers Shun Micoshaft Corporation from "dennis@home"

echolot ping - ignore from Echolot Pinger
help from Miles1373@yahoo.com

comment4) If you can't make the adjustments to the above script to get the
desired output, you lack the technical prereqs to reply categorically.

question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as output.

Thanks in advance and
wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 03.10.2007 16:38:43 von Glenn Jackman

At 2007-10-02 05:52PM, "Wade Ward" wrote:
> comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and save the
> girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads. I can assure anyone who
> wants to killfile me that they are antecedently non-entities in my life.

The obligatory:
http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#not_losin g

Glenn Jackman
"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature." -- Dave Barry

Re: jabba the tuh

am 03.10.2007 17:22:12 von Michele Dondi

On Tue, 2 Oct 2007 14:52:09 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>Subject: jabba the tuh

Please put the subject of your post in the Subject.

>#!/usr/bin/perl -w



could help.

>comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and save the

I'm half-hearted, but "half" doesn't describe accurately the real

>girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads. I can assure anyone who

It can't *interrupt* your threads, and if it did, people doing so
would not be the less bothered not to.

>wants to killfile me that they are antecedently non-entities in my life.

I think they can happily live with that.

>comment2) I think I'm making myself plenty clear, but without a referent
>script, my questions are vague.

Clear?!? You posted some code, which in turn you got from someone else
here a few months ago. You should first say why you're posting that
code. But your post begins with the very shebang line!

>comment3) My output for this is:
>echolot ping - ignore from Nomen Nescio
>echolot ping - ignore from Anonymous
>Testing 1191356933 from
>jabba the tuh from "Wade Ward"
>TEST TEST from @somewhere.com
>Test from John Navas
>Re: Open Source Developers Shun Micoshaft Corporation from "dennis@home"
>Re: Open Source Developers Shun Micoshaft Corporation from "dennis@home"
>echolot ping - ignore from Echolot Pinger
>help from Miles1373@yahoo.com
>comment4) If you can't make the adjustments to the above script to get the
>desired output, you lack the technical prereqs to reply categorically.

What is the desired output? Oh, I see, it's the following point. But
then a logical flow of work would have suggested you to swap them...
whatever. The question is as you admit, vague. But I'm sure I can make
the adjustments to get "the desired output", thus I do *not* lack the
technical prereqs to "reply categorically". Whatever that means.
>question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as output.

The question is very vague. I can think of at least two

(i) "How do I (modify the above script to) just print out the Subjects
of articles from a given newsgroup?"

(ii) "How do I (modify the above script to) retrieve an article from a
given newsgroup, whose Subject matches (or contains) a given string?"

Can you confirm that the real question is one of those, or if this is
not the case, then rephrase it in a similarly clear manner?

PS: Once I understand what the real question is, I will post a
"solution" to your problem. But it would *really* be better if you
show us what you've tried thus far and how it failed to work the way
you expected.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 03.10.2007 17:48:55 von Charlton Wilbur

>>>>> "WW" == Wade Ward writes:

WW> question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as
WW> output.

print "jabba the hut\n";

If you want more than that, you have to explain clearly where "jabba
the hut" comes from. And I suspect that once you correctly identify
that, you'll be very close to solving the problem on your own.


Charlton Wilbur

Re: jabba the tuh

am 03.10.2007 23:21:15 von Charlton Wilbur

>>>>> "WW" == Wade Ward writes:

WW> I don't like being called an idiot online by a stranger.

Then you would do well to post no further incoherent, rambling rants.


Charlton Wilbur

Re: jabba the tuh

am 03.10.2007 23:24:17 von Glenn Jackman

At 2007-10-03 06:13PM, "Wade Ward" wrote:
> "Glenn Jackman" wrote in message
> news:slrnfg7abk.r8a.glennj@smeagol.ncf.ca...
> > http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#not_losin g
> I'll enter that into my favs. I missed what stfw means. I cam make a good
> guess on the t and the f.

Looks like you'll actually have to read that document to find out.

> http://www.zaxfuuq.net/perl4.htm

I don't know why you keep posting these links. I don't follow them and
I suspect lots of others don't. If they are somehow relevant to your
postings, include the text here.

> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there in
> the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on

Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".

Actual answers to your questions can be found in the very book you're

Glenn Jackman
"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature." -- Dave Barry

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 00:04:12 von merl the perl

"Charlton Wilbur" wrote in message
>>>>>> "WW" == Wade Ward writes:
> WW> question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as
> WW> output.
> print "jabba the hut\n";
> If you want more than that, you have to explain clearly where "jabba
> the hut" comes from. And I suspect that once you correctly identify
> that, you'll be very close to solving the problem on your own.
Thanks all for replies. Michele errs when he claims that getting plonked by
one of 800 million Indians, because I'm the type of guy who would jusy as
soon blow up your country as talk to you. Idle threat? I can launch a
pound of hamburger from my desk here in abq and hit 60 e to 90 e, the
equator plus 30 in ihat oh I don't, 10^20 times, and depending on how close
I want to get, wipe out 80 percent of India's cows. I don't like being
called an idiot online by a stranger.

Michele and I had a lot of the germane questions ironed out in our personal
correspondednce. They did not survive re-entry to ABQ, and I'll have it
cook again from scratch. I see that I have comment for line 16, and it
looks to be from people who a)know what they're talking about
b) aren't playing a practical joke on me (recall {debug}in the
c) c.l.c. is in a straightjacket because of jabba the tuh. They're all
convinced that the only thing you can do is doodle with pointers. I gotta

Since I committed to lewarning the ppl, I've moved over a thousand miles
throught places like stl a month ago: 101 and humid. My uncle, director of
comp sci at SLU, does not have an airconditioner. If that isn't enough to
pernutmmute my neurons, the poklics e beat me down 4 days ago. It's
actually the reason that I'm not working on what I usually do: they took
turns on my knees. While i might plan to dump hundreds of billions of tons
of hamburger on islamabad, the only thing they heard is what those 8 pieces
of shit are going to hear: plop. Others will hear the boom.

wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 00:13:50 von merl the perl

"Glenn Jackman" wrote in message
> At 2007-10-02 05:52PM, "Wade Ward" wrote:
>> comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and save
>> the
>> girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads. I can assure anyone
>> who
>> wants to killfile me that they are antecedently non-entities in my life.
> The obligatory:
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#not_losin g
I'll enter that into my favs. I missed what stfw means. I cam make a good
guess on the t and the f.

as to rtfm: I am. Last night, I ripped the camel book into 3 parts. The
index was still all wet, so I'll take it to kinko's to get it bound. I
would prefer that persons who are refering me to information do so with
chapter and verse. I'll give you the chars and a little taste of my
chapter: §
The perl programming language: ppl
arbitrary int1: 42
arbitrary int2: 100000
arbitrary int3: a billion american: 10^9
biggish arbitrary int1:10^ 42
biggish arbitrary int2:42^ 42

How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there in
the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on
ppooimnters and user-defined types? I'm guesssing the answer is 42. Do I
go north or south of this number when I enumerate these types?

wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 00:19:41 von Michele Dondi

On 3 Oct 2007 21:24:17 GMT, Glenn Jackman wrote:

>> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there in
>> the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on
>Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
>suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".

Yeah... also, "ppl" is one char less than either "perl" or "Perl". But
"the ppl" is three more. I don't really see what's the advantage of
using that spelling that no other one is familiar with, and is likely
to confuse so many people. All in all, an amazing phenomenon...

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 00:50:38 von rvtol+news

Wade Ward schreef:

> I don't like being called an idiot online by a
> stranger.

Then don't go online.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 01:07:48 von merl the perl

"Glenn Jackman" wrote in message
> At 2007-10-03 06:13PM, "Wade Ward" wrote:
>> "Glenn Jackman" wrote in message
>> news:slrnfg7abk.r8a.glennj@smeagol.ncf.ca...
>> > http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#not_losin g
>> I'll enter that into my favs. I missed what stfw means. I cam make a
>> good
>> guess on the t and the f.
> Looks like you'll actually have to read that document to find out.

>> http://www.zaxfuuq.net/perl4.htm
> I don't know why you keep posting these links. I don't follow them and
> I suspect lots of others don't. If they are somehow relevant to your
> postings, include the text here.
It's a screendump. What are you missing?

>> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there
>> in
>> the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on
> Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
> suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".
they can bristle all they want. i program when i'm injured. i don't have a
left had to hit shift, so ppl is just gonna have to work.

> Actual answers to your questions can be found in the very book you're
> reading.
But it's a lot of ddigigng. "concatenate" in the index was compleatly

wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 01:07:48 von merl the perl

"Charlton Wilbur" wrote in message
>>>>>> "WW" == Wade Ward writes:
> WW> I don't like being called an idiot online by a stranger.
> Then you would do well to post no further incoherent, rambling rants.
Which rant do you refer to?
wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 01:07:48 von merl the perl

"Michele Dondi" wrote in message
> On 3 Oct 2007 21:24:17 GMT, Glenn Jackman wrote:
>>> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there
>>> in
>>> the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on
>>Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
>>suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".
> Yeah... also, "ppl" is one char less than either "perl" or "Perl". But
> "the ppl" is three more. I don't really see what's the advantage of
> using that spelling that no other one is familiar with, and is likely
> to confuse so many people. All in all, an amazing phenomenon...
How do you start your own ng, s.t. OE with comcast can find it?

Say . all.allin.all.an.amazingthingsppl.albuquerquephenomenon ?

wade ward
"The final irony is that cops
and rodney king have the same IQ."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 03:05:02 von Tad McClellan

Wade Ward wrote:

> comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and save the
> girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads.

Im in ur group, interrupting ur threads.

Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 03:15:32 von Jeremy Numer

On 10/03/2007 05:04 PM, Wade Ward wrote:
> "Charlton Wilbur" wrote in message
> news:877im46vx4.fsf@mithril.chromatico.net...
>>>>>>> "WW" == Wade Ward writes:
>> WW> question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as
>> WW> output.
>> print "jabba the hut\n";
>> If you want more than that, you have to explain clearly where "jabba
>> the hut" comes from. And I suspect that once you correctly identify
>> that, you'll be very close to solving the problem on your own.
> Thanks all for replies. Michele errs when he claims that getting plonked by
> one of 800 million Indians, because I'm the type of guy who would jusy as
> soon blow up your country as talk to you. Idle threat? I can launch a
> pound of hamburger from my desk here in abq and hit 60 e to 90 e, the
> equator plus 30 in ihat oh I don't, 10^20 times, and depending on how close
> I want to get, wipe out 80 percent of India's cows. I don't like being
> called an idiot online by a stranger.

Wade Ward, I'm concerned about you. You sound like you're having some
mental an cognitive problems (not condescending, not an insult). The
newsgroups are not an appropriate environment for someone who does not
like to be insulted.

> Michele and I had a lot of the germane questions ironed out in our personal
> correspondednce. They did not survive re-entry to ABQ, and I'll have it
> cook again from scratch.

What is ABQ? Please spell out words.

> I see that I have comment for line 16, and it
> looks to be from people who a)know what they're talking about
> b) aren't playing a practical joke on me (recall {debug}in the
> cunstrcurtprfcrero)

How is anyone other than you supposed to understand this?

> c) c.l.c. is in a straightjacket because of jabba the tuh. They're all
> convinced that the only thing you can do is doodle with pointers. I gotta
> eat.

Why tell us when you have to eat? Can't you just eat?

> Since I committed to lewarning the ppl, I've moved over a thousand miles
> throught places like stl a month ago: 101 and humid. My uncle, director of
> comp sci at SLU, does not have an airconditioner. If that isn't enough to
> pernutmmute my neurons, the poklics e beat me down 4 days ago.

What are the poklics? What's "e"?

> It's
> actually the reason that I'm not working on what I usually do:

What do you usually do?

> they took
> turns on my knees. While i might plan to dump hundreds of billions of tons
> of hamburger on islamabad, the only thing they heard is what those 8 pieces
> of shit are going to hear: plop. Others will hear the boom.

This sounds angry. It's in your best interest to shed the anger.

BTW, how did you lose your left hand?

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 12:34:14 von Michele Dondi

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:31:29 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>> Yeah... also, "ppl" is one char less than either "perl" or "Perl". But
>> "the ppl" is three more. I don't really see what's the advantage of
>> using that spelling that no other one is familiar with, and is likely
>> to confuse so many people. All in all, an amazing phenomenon...
>How do you start your own ng, s.t. OE with comcast can find it?
>Say . all.allin.all.an.amazingthingsppl.albuquerquephenomenon ?


OT here.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 12:38:48 von Michele Dondi

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:22:12 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>>> http://www.zaxfuuq.net/perl4.htm
>> I don't know why you keep posting these links. I don't follow them and
>> I suspect lots of others don't. If they are somehow relevant to your
>> postings, include the text here.
>It's a screendump. What are you missing?

The purpose. Actually I'm missing it too, and I bet most others are,
as well. Care to explain?

>>> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are there
>>> in
>>> the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of indirection on
>> Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
>> suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".
>they can bristle all they want. i program when i'm injured. i don't have a
>left had to hit shift, so ppl is just gonna have to work.

You can happily and IMNSHO more easily type "perl". It won't require
your left hand to hit the shift key.

>> Actual answers to your questions can be found in the very book you're
>> reading.
>But it's a lot of ddigigng. "concatenate" in the index was compleatly

Actually I think that your choice of starting with the Camel book is
not that appropriate since it is much a reference manual AIUI. Thus
you may be just fine with perldoc. As a complete newbie the Llama book
would be more appropriate to you, instead.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 12:47:01 von Michele Dondi

On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:15:32 -0500, Jeremy Numer

>> I see that I have comment for line 16, and it
>> looks to be from people who a)know what they're talking about
>> b) aren't playing a practical joke on me (recall {debug}in the
>> cunstrcurtprfcrero)
>How is anyone other than you supposed to understand this?

I just think he has a sound misunderstanding of how usenet works at
all. He probably refers to an old thread he started a few months ago,
and he's blindily assuming that everybody jumping in will be familiar
with what he's speaking about.

As I've written many other times I'm not an English native speaker,
but I can understand quite about everything that people write here or
elsewhere, but for some sparse random bits. However I have serious
difficulties with his prose, and this rings a bell... I may just be
wrong though.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 13:56:16 von Peter Wyzl

"Michele Dondi" wrote in message
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 16:22:12 -0700, "Wade Ward"
> wrote:

> Actually I think that your choice of starting with the Camel book is
> not that appropriate since it is much a reference manual AIUI. Thus
> you may be just fine with perldoc. As a complete newbie the Llama book
> would be more appropriate to you, instead.

or even better, Elements of Programming with Perl by Andrew L Johnson, by
Manning Books


Best starter book I've read.


Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 19:55:18 von rvtol+news

Tad McClellan schreef:
> Wade Ward:

>> comment1) if you would like to killfile me, please do so now and
>> save the girlish "plonk" replies; it interrupts my threads.
> Im in ur group, interrupting ur threads.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 04.10.2007 21:27:06 von hjp-usenet2

On 2007-10-03 22:19, Michele Dondi wrote:
> Yeah... also, "ppl" is one char less than either "perl" or "Perl". But
> "the ppl" is three more. I don't really see what's the advantage of
> using that spelling that no other one is familiar with, and is likely
> to confuse so many people. All in all, an amazing phenomenon...

My guess is that confusing people is the very purpose of Wade's


_ | Peter J. Holzer | I know I'd be respectful of a pirate
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | with an emu on his shoulder.
| | | hjp@hjp.at |
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Sam in "Freefall"

Re: jabba the tuh

am 05.10.2007 23:44:28 von Henry Law

Wade Ward wrote:
> Thanks all for replies. Michele errs when he claims that getting plonked by
> one of 800 million Indians, because I'm the type of guy who would jusy as
> soon blow up your country as talk to you. Idle threat? I can launch a
> pound of hamburger from my desk here in abq and hit 60 e to 90 e, the
> equator plus 30 in ihat oh I don't, 10^20 times, and depending on how close
> I want to get, wipe out 80 percent of India's cows.

Hey! I get it: it's a bot. Some research program somewhere, I expect.


Henry Law Manchester, England

Re: jabba the tuh

am 16.10.2007 19:27:59 von jurgenex

Michele Dondi wrote:
> On 3 Oct 2007 21:24:17 GMT, Glenn Jackman wrote:
>>> How does one type these numbers with the ppl? How many types are
>>> there in the ppl? Leave out anything more than two levels of
>>> indirection on
>> Lots of regulars here bristle unless you talk about Perl or perl. My
>> suggestion is to suck it up and write "Perl" and not "the ppl".
> Yeah... also, "ppl" is one char less than either "perl" or "Perl". But
> "the ppl" is three more. I don't really see what's the advantage of
> using that spelling that no other one is familiar with, and is likely
> to confuse so many people.

No, not confusing at all. After all ppl is clearly the abbreviation for
Private Pilot License. Although I have no idea what a PPL has possibly to do
with this NG.

Oh, and I believe in some baby talk it stands for 'people', too. Although
"how does one type these numbers with the people?" or "how many types are
there in the people?" doesn't make much sense to me, either.


Re: jabba the tuh

am 16.10.2007 19:34:03 von jurgenex

Wade Ward wrote:
> comment3) My output for this is:
> jabba the tuh from "Wade Ward" zaxfuuq@invalid.net

> question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as output.

I have no idea how to use either a Private Pilot License (PPL) or the people
(ppl) to get that output.
However in Perl you could just split() on the space and then reverse() the
last substring to convert 'tuh' to 'hut'.


Re: jabba the tuh

am 17.10.2007 00:10:25 von Michele Dondi

On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:27:59 GMT, "Jürgen Exner"

>No, not confusing at all. After all ppl is clearly the abbreviation for
>Private Pilot License. Although I have no idea what a PPL has possibly to do
>with this NG.
>Oh, and I believe in some baby talk it stands for 'people', too. Although

Yeah, kidiots use it in that acceptation.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: jabba the tuh

am 17.10.2007 02:39:11 von merl the perl

"Jürgen Exner" wrote in message
> Wade Ward wrote:
> [...]
>> comment3) My output for this is:
> [...]
>> jabba the tuh from "Wade Ward" zaxfuuq@invalid.net
>> question 1) How do I use the ppl to get "jabba the hut" as output.
> I have no idea how to use either a Private Pilot License (PPL) or the
> people (ppl) to get that output.
> However in Perl you could just split() on the space and then reverse() the
> last substring to convert 'tuh' to 'hut'.
We meet at last.

I'll give the above a try. Thanks for your attention.
wade ward
"Nicht verzagen, Bruder Grinde fragen."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 03:22:39 von merl the perl

"Michele Dondi" wrote in message
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:27:59 GMT, "Jürgen Exner"
> wrote:
>>No, not confusing at all. After all ppl is clearly the abbreviation for
>>Private Pilot License. Although I have no idea what a PPL has possibly to
>>with this NG.
>>Oh, and I believe in some baby talk it stands for 'people', too. Although
> Yeah, kidiots use it in that acceptation.
wade ward
"Nicht verzagen, Bruder Grinde fragen."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 03:29:42 von merl the perl

"Dr.Ruud" wrote in message

Finally got this:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::NNTP ();

use constant NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES => 1;
use constant GROUP_NAME => 'comp.lang.perl.misc';
use constant SERVER_NAME => 'newsgroups.comcast.net';
use constant NNTP_DEBUG => 0;

my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new(SERVER_NAME, 'Debug' => NNTP_DEBUG) or die;
my $USER = '';
my $PASS = '';

$nntp->authinfo($USER,$PASS) or die $!;

my($article_count, $first_article, $last_article) =

$nntp->group(GROUP_NAME) or die;

# Which XOVER fields contain Subject: and From:?
my $count = 0;
my %xover_fmt = map( ($_, $count++), @{ $nntp->overview_fmt or die} );
die unless exists $xover_fmt{'Subject:'};
my $subject_offset = $xover_fmt{'Subject:'};
my $from_offset = $xover_fmt{'From:'};

my(@xover, $start_article);
RETRIEVE: while ($#xover+1 < NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES and $last_article >=

$first_article) {

# How many articles do we need? Stop retrieving if we have enough
my $articles_required = NUMBER_OF_ARTICLES - ($#xover+1) or last


# Fetch overview information for the articles
$start_article = $last_article - ($articles_required-1);
$start_article = $start_article > $first_article ? $start_article :


my $xover_query = $start_article == $last_article ?
$start_article :
[$start_article, $last_article];
my $xover_ref = $nntp->xover($xover_query) or die;

# Store headers for the articles we've retrieved
foreach (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %$xover_ref) {
push @xover, $xover_ref->{$_};
} continue {
# Move the pointer forward to fetch previous articles
$last_article = $start_article - 1;

# Disconnect from the NNTP server

my $s4 = join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset],@xover)),"\n";

print STDOUT " s4 is $s4\n";

my @words = split " ", $s4;

print STDOUT " first word is $words[1]";
print STDOUT " third word is $words[3]";
$words[3] = reverse $words[3];
print STDOUT " third word is $words[3]\n";

#big finish

print STDOUT " $words[1] $words[2]";
print STDOUT " $words[3] \n";


Output is:
s4 is Re: jabba the tuh
first word is jabba third word is tuh third word is hut
jabba the hut

Thx all for help.

One question:
what is this warning telling me:
Useless use of a constant in void context at jabba1.pl line 57.
line 57 is:

my $s4 = join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset],@xover)),"\n";

wade ward
"Nicht verzagen, Bruder Grinde fragen."

Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 04:18:31 von Tad McClellan

Wade Ward wrote:

> my $s4 = join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset],@xover)),"\n";

> One question:
> what is this warning telling me:
> Useless use of a constant in void context at jabba1.pl line 57.
> line 57 is:

In addition to what perldiag.pod says about that message,
it is telling you that the "\n" at the end there isn't
doing anything. You should remove it.

Due to the precedence of the operators involved (perldoc perlop),
it is the same as:

(my $s4 = join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset],@xover))),"\n";

If you were trying to get a newline at the end of $s4,
then this would have done it:

my $s4 = join("\n", map ($_->[$subject_offset],@xover), '');

Tad McClellan
email: perl -le "print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/"

Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 11:51:10 von Michele Dondi

On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 18:22:39 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>> Yeah, kidiots use it in that acceptation.
> [form.]

No, I did mean *acceptation*:

: 2. The meaning in which a word or expression is understood,
: or generally received; as, term is to be used according to
: its usual acceptation.
: My words, in common acceptation, Could never give
: this provocation. --Gay.


: 2: the meaning of a word [syn: {word meaning}, {word sense}]

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

OT Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 21:21:52 von merl the perl

"Michele Dondi" wrote in message
> On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 18:22:39 -0700, "Wade Ward"
> wrote:
>>> Yeah, kidiots use it in that acceptation.
>> [form.]
> No, I did mean *acceptation*:
> : 2. The meaning in which a word or expression is understood,
> : or generally received; as, term is to be used according to
> : its usual acceptation.
> :
> : My words, in common acceptation, Could never give
> : this provocation. --Gay.
> Or
> : 2: the meaning of a word [syn: {word meaning}, {word sense}]
'acceptation' is an oxymoron in english. It is not in common usage, like
its synonym "usage." As this sentence stands:
>>> Yeah, kidiots use it in that acceptation.
, it makes a native speaker say, huh? You have good English, so I thought
you might be interested.
wade ward
"Nicht verzagen, Bruder Grinde fragen."

Re: OT Re: jabba the tuh

am 18.10.2007 22:06:32 von Michele Dondi

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:21:52 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>> : 2: the meaning of a word [syn: {word meaning}, {word sense}]
>'acceptation' is an oxymoron in english. It is not in common usage, like
>its synonym "usage." As this sentence stands:

Are you sure it is an *oxymoron*?!?

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,

Re: OT Re: jabba the tuh

am 19.10.2007 01:01:28 von merl the perl

"Michele Dondi" wrote in message
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:21:52 -0700, "Wade Ward"
> wrote:
>>> : 2: the meaning of a word [syn: {word meaning}, {word sense}]
>>'acceptation' is an oxymoron in english. It is not in common usage, like
>>its synonym "usage." As this sentence stands:
> Are you sure it is an *oxymoron*?!?
Yes, like "military intelligence," it contradicts itself quickly, as it
pertains to common usage but is not *in* common usage.
wade ward
"Nicht verzagen, Bruder Grinde fragen."

Re: OT Re: jabba the tuh

am 19.10.2007 01:02:52 von Michele Dondi

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 16:16:42 -0700, "Wade Ward"

>>>> : 2: the meaning of a word [syn: {word meaning}, {word sense}]
>>>'acceptation' is an oxymoron in english. It is not in common usage, like
>>>its synonym "usage." As this sentence stands:
>> Are you sure it is an *oxymoron*?!?
>Yes, like "military intelligence," it contradicts itself quickly, as it
>pertains to common usage but is not *in* common usage.

Well, but it is not an oxymoron in itself. It's a not commonly used
word. Since I use the Italian word 'accezione' (which is the direct
accpetation of 'acceptation' in that acceptation) which is not the
most commonly used either but it the most precise in linguistic terms,
I see no reason why I shouldn't use 'acceptation' in English. In both
cases they're correct words used correctly. Should I only limit myself
to common usage I should probably write like kidiots, or (in Italian)
bimbiminkia. Which is not going to happen, ever.

{$_=pack'B8'x25,unpack'A8'x32,$a^=sub{pop^pop}->(map substr
(($a||=join'',map--$|x$_,(unpack'w',unpack'u','G^ ..'KYU;*EVH[.FHF2W+#"\Z*5TI/ER 256),7,249);s/[^\w,]/ /g;$ \=/^J/?$/:"\r";print,redo}#JAPH,