I have address book with more than

I have address book with more than

am 03.10.2007 10:04:04 von bond

I have address book with more than 1000 e-mail address. Bu some of them are
no good because user cancel it or change e-mail (some are older 10 year).
How to control witches are bad, so I can delete it. I can export it to text
file, and read it from perl.

Please Help

Re: I have address book with more than

am 03.10.2007 21:43:22 von Keith Keller

On 2007-10-03, Bond wrote:
> I have address book with more than 1000 e-mail address. Bu some of them are
> no good because user cancel it or change e-mail (some are older 10 year).
> How to control witches are bad, so I can delete it. I can export it to text
> file, and read it from perl.

Post the code that you've attempted to write, and perhaps someone can
help you. (Hint: the Posting Guidelines describe better ways of asking
for help.)


(try just my userid to email me)
see X- headers for PGP signature information

Re: I have address book with more than

am 03.10.2007 23:15:32 von Glenn Jackman

At 2007-10-03 04:04AM, "Bond" wrote:
> How to control witches are bad, so I can delete it.

See if they wear black hats. I understand throwing water on them can
work too.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:MargaretHamiltoninTheWiza rdOfOz.jpg

Glenn Jackman
"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature." -- Dave Barry

Re: I have address book with more than

am 04.10.2007 12:09:17 von Mintcake

On Oct 3, 3:04 pm, "Bond" wrote:
> I have address book with more than 1000 e-mail address. Bu some of them are
> no good because user cancel it or change e-mail (some are older 10 year).
> How to control witches are bad, so I can delete it. I can export it to text
> file, and read it from perl.
> Please Help

If you can export it to a text file and read it from perl the next
step is easy. Learn perl.

Re: I have address book with more than

am 04.10.2007 13:04:59 von Josef Moellers

Bond wrote:
> I have address book with more than 1000 e-mail address. Bu some of them=
> no good because user cancel it or change e-mail (some are older 10 year=
> How to control witches are bad, so I can delete it. I can export it to =
> file, and read it from perl.

IMHO there's little you can do but to send everyone an email stating the =

purpose of the email and asking the person for a confirmation that (s)he =

would like to stay in your address book. You could then write a Perl=20
script to sift through your mailbox and gather those messages which=20
didn't bounce and where the person agreed to stay in your address book.

There are several mail related modules at CPAN. If you have problems=20
using one, write a small, self-contained program showing the problem and =

we'll see if we can help.

BTW I, for sure, won't answer that email. From the fact that you didn't=20
use a real name, I guess I'll be glad to fall off your list of "more=20
than 1000 e-mail address"es.

These are my personal views and not those of Fujitsu Siemens Computers!
Josef Möllers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T. Pratchett)
Company Details: http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/imprint.html