HELP: Apache 2 / Tomcat 6 / mod_jk / Windows XP
am 05.10.2007 22:25:45 von lefebvreHello All...
Im trying to get Apache/Tomcat connected on my windows box. I have
followed the instructions online that I have found (however, all the
instructions are for Tomcat5.5 or older) and think I am close but
still not working.
For your reference I am getting this error when I try:
I get:
This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able
to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the
When I checked the server log and it is giving me these details:
[Fri Oct 05 09:46:25 2007] [error] [client] client denied by
server configuration: C:/apache/tomcat/webapps/examples/jsp/index.html
However, this works:
So, this makes me think I just need to tweak some values. Any ideas
on how to fix and get these connected?
Here is an overview of my setup:
Windows XP Pro: SP3
Java: 1.6 (JAVA_HOME is set)
Tomcat: 6.0.14 (CATALINA_HOME is set)
Apache: 2.2.6
JK 1.2.25 ( (there wasnt a 2.2.6 available
One thing to note, there is no longer a DLL for Win32k, only SO
Here is a summary of my changes to get things connected:
1. Installed latest Java, Tomcat, and Apache.
2. Copied into apache/modules directory and
renamed it
3. Edited Apache2's httpd.conf file and added these lines:
LoadModule jk_module modules/
Include c:/apache/tomcat/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf
4. Edited Tomcat6's server.xml file and added these lines:
Just below the line:
added the following:
and just below the line:
added the following line:
I saved the changes made to server.xml. Restarted the Tomcat service.
Waited a few seconds, and then checked to see if there is a file
called mod_jk.conf in tomcat/conf/auto directory, and there was.
5. Created the file in tomcat/conf/jk, with the
following lines to it:
# Definition for Ajp13 worker
6. Now that everything was configured, I restarted Tomcat, and then
Apache. Everything started up and I tested it as follows:
Verified the Apache welcome page at http://localhost
Verifed the Tomcat examples at http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/index.html
Verifed Tomcat examples available on port 80 at http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html
This last one failed with errors described at the top of this posting.
Help!! Hopefully this post will help document this latest
configuration procedure and what tweaks it needs to get it working.
Thanks in advanced.