Segmentation fault

Segmentation fault

am 04.10.2007 15:08:08 von nickyxu1981

Hi all,
I have a script about query record from MS Access database.
This database contains a table named Lengths.
The list of field names is Sample_ID, Taxon_ID, Lenght.

Question is coming:
1. When I use the query command: select * from Lengths
It works well!
2. When I use the query command: select * from Lengths where Taxon_ID
It gives the following:
Segmentation fault
3. When I use the query command: select * from Lengths where
Sample_ID = 1
The result is :
[hxu@fleetlink msaccess]$ perl
Segmentation fault

Does anyone meet this problem?
My code is like this:
my $dbh = DBI-> connect( "dbi:ODBC:DSN=mdb1") or die "$DBI::errstr";
my $query = "select * from Lengths";

my $tp=$dbh->prepare("select * from Lengths where Sample_ID = 1") or
die "cna nont $dbh->err $dbh->errstr \n";

#print $tp;

while (my @tmp_l=$tp->fetchrow_array())
{ print join('-',@tmp_l),"\n";}

The operating system is Red Hat Enterprise 3.
Perl : v5.8.3 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
ODBC: unixODBC 2.2.12
DBD::ODBC: 1.14

Best Regards,