Huge cgi!Help!
am 07.10.2007 10:23:56 von ZazenHi dude! I have an orrible trouble with this poor cgi: is a client
pop3 web based gateway.The function "connetti()" never been called and
i don't know why!!The functions in the bottom of the script
load,save,restore the state of the session by save the
user,pass,host,id in a file.if you try to execute the script all stop
when you click on the submit button.I'm italian so i apologize for the
bad english.
I hope there is a good soul who help me.
There is the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Mail::POP3Client;
use CGI qw(:all);
#use CGIBook::Error;
#use HTML::Template;
local $MAX_FILES =3D 1000;
local $DATA_DIR =3D 'usr/lib/cgi-bin';
my $q =3D new CGI;
my $this_script_name =3D 'popGem.cgi';
my $id =3D get_id($q);
my $action =3D ( $q->param("action") ) || 'start';
if ( $action eq "start") {
if ( $action eq "connetti" ) {
sub start {
my ($q ,$id) =3D @_;
$q-> header(),
$q-> start_html(-title =3D> "PopGem pop3 web based reader"),
$q-> start_form(-action =3D> $this_script_name ,-method =3D>
$q-> table(
{-border =3D> "1"},
$q->caption("PopGem pop3 web based reader!"),
$q-> th("Nome Utente:"),
$q-> th( textfield(-name =3D> "user_name",-size
=3D> "30") )
$q-> Tr(
$q-> th("Password:"),
$q-> th( password_field(-name =3D> "password",-
size =3D> "30") )
$q-> Tr(
$q-> th("Nome Server:"),
$q-> th( textfield(-name =3D> "domain_name",-
size =3D> "30") )
$q-> Tr(
$q-> th({-rowspan =3D> "2"},
$q-> submit(-value =3D> "connetti") )
-name =3D> "id",
-default =3D> $id,
-override =3D> 1
-name =3D> "action",
-default =3D> "connetti",
-override =3D> 1
$q-> end_form(),
$q-> end_html();
sub connetti {
my ($q,$id) =3D @_;
my $user_name =3D param('user_name');
my $password =3D param('password');
my $domain_name =3D param('domani_name');
#per ogni messaggio che =E8 presente nella mailbox stampo una riga di
una tabella
#con le informazioni utili: mittente,oggetto,ecc...
my $pop =3D new Mail::POP3Client ( USER =3D> $user_name,
PASSWORD =3D> $password,
HOST =3D> $domain_name,
for ($i =3D 1; $i <=3D $pop->Count(); $i++) {
foreach my $message ( $pop->Head($i) ){
my $date =3D ($message =3D~ /^Date:\s+/i);
my $from =3D ($message =3D~ /^From:\s+/i);
my $to =3D ($message =3D~ /^To:\s+/i);
my $subject =3D ($message =3D~ /^Subject:\s+/i);
print $q-> header(),
$q-> start_html(-title =3D> "Ecco i messaggi"),
$q-> table(
{-border =3D> "1"},
$q->caption("Informazioni del messaggio $i:"),
$q-> th("Date:"),
$q-> th("From:"),
$q-> th("To:"),
$q-> th("Subject:")
$q-> th("$date"),
$q-> th("$from"),
$q-> th("$to"),
$q-> th("$subject")
$q-> end_html();
$q-> save_state($q);
sub get_id {
my $q =3D shift;
my $id;
my $unsafe_id =3D $q->param( "id" ) || '';
$unsafe_id =3D~ s/[^\dA-Fa-f]//g;
if ( $unsafe_id =3D~ /^(.+)$/ ) {
$id =3D $1;
load_state( $q, $id );
else {
$id =3D unique_id( );
$q->param( -name =3D> "id", -value =3D> $id );
return $id;
# Loads the current CGI object's default parameters from the saved
sub load_state {
my( $q, $id ) =3D @_;
my $saved =3D get_state( $id ) or return;
foreach ( $saved->param ) {
$q->param( $_ =3D> $saved->param($_) ) unless defined $q-
# Reads a saved CGI object from disk and returns its params as a hash
sub get_state {
my $id =3D shift;
my $session =3D session_filename( $id );
local *FILE;
-e $session or return;
open FILE, $session or die "Cannot open $session: $!";
my $q_saved =3D new CGI( \*FILE ) or
error( $q, "Unable to restore saved state." );
close FILE;
return $q_saved;
# Saves the current CGI object to disk
sub save_state {
my $q =3D shift;
my $session =3D session_filename( $id );
local( *FILE, *DIR );
# Avoid DoS attacks by limiting the number of data files
my $num_files =3D 0;
opendir DIR, $DATA_DIR;
$num_files++ while readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
# Compare the file count against the max
if ( $num_files > $MAX_FILES ) {
error( $q, "We cannot save your request because the directory
" .
"is full. Please try again later" );
# Save the current CGI object to disk
open FILE, ">> $session" or return die "Cannot write to $session:
$q->save( \*FILE );
close FILE;
# Separated from other code in case this changes in the future
sub session_filename {
my $id =3D shift;
return "/$DATA_DIR/$id";
sub unique_id {
# Use Apache's mod_unique_id if available
return $ENV{UNIQUE_ID} if exists $ENV{UNIQUE_ID};
require Digest::MD5;
my $md5 =3D new Digest::MD5;
# Note this is intended to be unique, and not unguessable
# It should not be used for generating keys to sensitive data
my $id =3D $md5->md5_base64( time, $$, $remote );
$id =3D~ tr|+/=3D|-_.|; # Make non-word chars URL-friendly
return $id;