emailing function

emailing function

am 10.10.2007 21:47:13 von BobH

Hi All,
I have this function which sends an email and it works great as is
but, the one thing that I would like to change is it creates the email
in the 'work in progress' folder in Groupwise and after sending the
email it does not delete it from the 'work in progress' folder.
Hopefully someone can tell me or add to this the vba code needed to
have this delete the created email from the 'work in progress' folder
once it sends it.

Public Function SendGWMail(DisplayMsg As Boolean, _
strTo As String, strCC As String, strBCC As String, _
strSubject As String, strBody As String, strAttachPathFile As String)
As Boolean

' This will log you in to Groupwise if you are not logged in already
except if you have your
' Groupwise account password protected then you must log-in to
Groupwise first.
Const NGW$ = "NGW"
Dim GWCom As Object
Dim RetStr As String, MessageId As String

SendGWMail = False

' Create the Groupwise session
'Dim gwappl As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application2
'Dim gwacc As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account2
'Dim gwnewmessage As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message

Dim gwappl As Object, gwacc As Object, gwnewmessage As Object

Set gwappl = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
Set gwacc = gwappl.Login
Set gwnewmessage = gwacc.WorkFolder.Messages.Add("GW.Message.mail")

' Create the message
With gwnewmessage
With .Recipients
' Add the To recipient(s) to the message
If (strTo <> "") Then
'.Add strTo
.Add strTo, NGW
End If
' Add the CC recipient(s) to the message
If (strCC <> "") Then
.Add strCC, NGW
End If
' Add the BCC recipient(s) to the message
If (strBCC <> "") Then
.Add strBCC, NGW
End If
End With

' Set the Subject, Body, and Importance of the message
.Subject = strSubject
.BodyText = strBody
.Priority = 3

' Add attachments to the message.
If (strAttachPathFile <> "") Then
.Attachments.Add strAttachPathFile
End If

' Should we display the message before sending?
If DisplayMsg Then
' Display message to user
MessageId = .MessageId
Set GWCom = CreateObject("GroupwiseCommander")
GWCom.Execute "ItemOpen (""" & MessageId & """)", RetStr
GWCom.Execute "ItemSetText (""X00"";To!; """ & strTo & """;
0)", RetStr
End If
End With

SendGWMail = True
Set gwnewmessage = Nothing

Re: emailing function

am 25.10.2007 18:39:56 von BobH

Hi All,
I know that not all things are answered here but I am curious about
this one, does the no replies mean no one knows?

On Oct 10, 3:47 pm, bobh wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have this function which sends an email and it works great as is
> but, the one thing that I would like to change is it creates the email
> in the 'work in progress' folder in Groupwise and after sending the
> email it does not delete it from the 'work in progress' folder.
> Hopefully someone can tell me or add to this the vba code needed to
> have this delete the created email from the 'work in progress' folder
> once it sends it.
> thanksbobh.
> Public Function SendGWMail(DisplayMsg As Boolean, _
> strTo As String, strCC As String, strBCC As String, _
> strSubject As String, strBody As String, strAttachPathFile As String)
> As Boolean
> ' This will log you in to Groupwise if you are not logged in already
> except if you have your
> ' Groupwise account password protected then you must log-in to
> Groupwise first.
> Const NGW$ = "NGW"
> Dim GWCom As Object
> Dim RetStr As String, MessageId As String
> SendGWMail = False
> ' Create the Groupwise session
> 'Dim gwappl As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Application2
> 'Dim gwacc As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Account2
> 'Dim gwnewmessage As GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message
> Dim gwappl As Object, gwacc As Object, gwnewmessage As Object
> Set gwappl = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession")
> Set gwacc = gwappl.Login
> Set gwnewmessage = gwacc.WorkFolder.Messages.Add("GW.Message.mail")
> ' Create the message
> With gwnewmessage
> With .Recipients
> ' Add the To recipient(s) to the message
> If (strTo <> "") Then
> '.Add strTo
> .Add strTo, NGW
> End If
> ' Add the CC recipient(s) to the message
> If (strCC <> "") Then
> .Add strCC, NGW
> End If
> ' Add the BCC recipient(s) to the message
> If (strBCC <> "") Then
> .Add strBCC, NGW
> End If
> End With
> ' Set the Subject, Body, and Importance of the message
> .Subject = strSubject
> .BodyText = strBody
> .Priority = 3
> ' Add attachments to the message.
> If (strAttachPathFile <> "") Then
> .Attachments.Add strAttachPathFile
> End If
> ' Should we display the message before sending?
> If DisplayMsg Then
> ' Display message to user
> MessageId = .MessageId
> Set GWCom = CreateObject("GroupwiseCommander")
> GWCom.Execute "ItemOpen (""" & MessageId & """)", RetStr
> GWCom.Execute "ItemSetText (""X00"";To!; """ & strTo & """;
> 0)", RetStr
> Else
> .Send
> End If
> End With
> SendGWMail = True
> Set gwnewmessage = Nothing