FW: Kesalahan posting: Don Komo

FW: Kesalahan posting: Don Komo

am 12.10.2007 17:29:27 von pvanbuskirk

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Why do I get this everytime I post?

-----Original Message-----
From: noreply@googlegroups.com [mailto:noreply@googlegroups.com]=20
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:26 AM
To: VanBuskirk, Patricia
Subject: Kesalahan posting: Don Komo

Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memposting ke grup donkomo. Anda
mungkin harus bergabung ke grup agar dibolehkan memposting atau grup ini
mungkin tidak dapat terbuka untuk memposting.=20

Kunjungi http://groups.google.com/group/donkomo/about?hl=3Did untuk
bergabung atau mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang siapa yang dibolehkan
memposting ke grup.=20

Bantuan untuk menggunakan Google Groups juga tersedia di:

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Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] php maximum characters in text field
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:24:14 -0400
Message-ID: <8CE764618AA99F4FB83198E126B457C4CF40DC@FSU-EXCH-01.fsu.edu>
Thread-Topic: [PHP-DB] php maximum characters in text field
Thread-Index: AcgM4mGDL9JkZioPTXCT7S3+rmMOwAAASqVQ
References: <8CE764618AA99F4FB83198E126B457C4CF40D8@FSU-EXCH-01.fsu.edu>
From: "VanBuskirk, Patricia"
To: "Bastien Koert" ,

The info he was trying to submit was 883 characters, including spaces
(counted in Word). Many times, people have very detailed descriptions
they need to send in. Can you think of a way to work around this
limitation? Also, what happened when he tried to submit is he got an
email back with "Undefined variable" errors wherever the database was
supposed to send back info, and no record was created.


From: Bastien Koert [mailto:bastien_k@hotmail.com]=20
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:12 AM
To: VanBuskirk, Patricia; php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] php maximum characters in text field


Unless you are using a text field (which holds 64K [mysql]) a normal
varchar maxs out at 255 characters
Post is limited by the php.ini file amounts (usually in the megabyte
what is the size of the post?

> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:41:15 -0400
> From: pvanbuskirk@otc.fsu.edu
> To: php-db@lists.php.net
> Subject: [PHP-DB] php maximum characters in text field
> Is there a maximum number of character $_POST will/can return from a
> text field. I have an online form that was driving me nuts trying to
> troubleshoot, as most orders were coming in fine, but this one would
> not. I narrowed down to the length of the "customer description" field
> which has no limits on the form or in the database. I was told there
> was a limit to how much $_POST could return. Can someone advise?
> Thanks!
> Trish


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RE: FW: Kesalahan posting: Don Komo

am 12.10.2007 17:49:54 von Instruct ICC

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Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:29:27 -0400
From: pvanbuskirk@otc.fsu.edu
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP-DB] FW: Kesalahan posting: Don Komo

Why do I get this everytime I post?

I think Don Komo registered to this PHP list with the private email address=
So since we are not a member of the googlegroup, we get these notices.

The same kind of notice that anyone would get if they posted to a list for =
which they had not yet registered.

I think he should be forced to unregister this email address. And/or be ad=
vised that it has been dropped for this reason.

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