DSN settings
am 13.10.2007 00:19:56 von Mija LeeHi -
I'm looking for a good source of documentation for the DSN settings
available to the postgres drivers. I have found several sites with
sample odbc.ini entries but nothing that has a comprehensive list.
The reason I'm looking for this is that the following setting:
ConnSettings = set extra_float_digits to 0
doesn't cause any complaints, but also doesn't seem to have any effect.
The only reference in the debug log for that DSN connection to the float
digits is:
Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1,
len=27, stmt='set extra_float_digits to 2'
We tried this with several versions of postgres drivers, including the
latest release of 8.02.0500.
Any help with location of documentation and/or problems with the
ConnSettings greatly appreciated!
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