T2000 sol10u4 raidctl: enter_filelock:filelock is owned by

T2000 sol10u4 raidctl: enter_filelock:filelock is owned by

am 16.10.2007 19:19:45 von alielmali78

i have Solaris 10 8/07 s10s_u4wos_12b in t2000 box and when i have
written o :/> raidctl
raidctl:enter_filelock:filelock is owned by 'process 6182'
:/> raidctl -l
raidctl:enter_filelock:filelock is owned by 'process 6182'
> ps -ef|grep -i 6182
root 6182 1 4 14:01:15 pts/2 195:21 /usr/sbin/raidctl
root 20704 6235 0 20:05:08 pts/3 0:00 grep -i 6182

os version:Solaris 10 8/07 s10s_u4wos_12b

what is the problem with raidctl command? there are T2000 boxes in
which sol 10 u3 was installed and raidctl is running these sol 10 u3
without problem? is sol10 u4 causing that kind of error? i could not
get any patches at the holly sunsolve even....
Any idea?

musa rami
prtconf -vp | egrep '(model|version)' | grep -vi '(obp|
firmwareversion| mpt-version)'
version: 'OBP 4.26.1 2007/04/02 16:26'
model: 'SUNW,4.26.1'
firmware-version: ''
mpt-version: '1.05'
model: 'LSI,1064E'
version: '1.00.40'