Working with xml data model
am 17.10.2007 04:19:40 von normanHi there,
I have some code that imports data from an xml file via code to Access
2003. Code works well. I like to make a view modifications.
I like to extract some data from the header and the trailer of the xml
file and need some advice.
the root node = c_payment
next node = Header
next node = Payment/Installed
next node = Payment/Anual
next node = Payment/Manual
next node = Trailer , under each node are the elements found + data.
When referencing the header and or the trailer I don't pick up any
data, Why?
Do I have to use a different object to obtaint the header data or do I
need to reference the node I am opening differently?
I appreciate the any input and like to thank everyone cuntributing.
Kind Regards Norman
Here is the code snipple:
Dim objNodes
Dim objxmlNode
Dim objNodesHeader
Dim objNodesType
Dim objxmlNodeTypeFee
Dim objNodesInstallment
Dim objxmlNodeType
Dim Strsql As String, strorg As String, strfilename As String,
strdatetime as string
Set objNodes = objXMLDOM.selectNodes("C_PAYMENT")
For Each objxmlNode In objNodes
' get the header information
Set objNodesType = objxmlNode.selectNodes("Header")
For Each objNodesHeader In objNodesType
strorg =
strdatetime =
objNodesHeader.selectSingleNode("CREATE_DATE_AND_TIME").node TypedValue
Set objNodesType = objxmlNode.selectNodes("PAYMENTS/
For Each objxmlNodeType In objNodesType
With rst
.Fields("ORG_ID") = Mid(fsoFile.Name, 8, 3)
.Fields("Intallment_type") = "INSTALLMENT_PAYMENT"
.Fields("POLICY_NUMBER") =
objxmlNodeType.selectSingleNode("POLICY_NUMBER").nodeTypedVa lue
end with