Database Window Disappears on Error
am 19.10.2007 21:56:06 von Patrick AIf anyone has seen this happen or can help me figure it out, I'll feel
less like I'm going nuts.
I have a multi-form DB with some code in it. I've been working on it
for a couple of months now.
Over the last week, a strange thing began happening. My database
window, Access toolbars, etc. began disappearing.
The bizarre behavior occurs when I add some new code - nothing
dramatic, say an OnChange event that sets a control value - and I get
the code wrong - misspelling the name of the control for instance.
What used to happen is a standard dialog box would pop, tell me what
the error is, give me a chance to correct it by going into the code.
What now happens is...well, all of that still happens, but when I
close the Visual Basic [code]window, literally nothing is left of my
Access session but the very top title bar.
- No forms, no database window, no Access toolbars - nothing - it's
all gone, baby, gone.
If I move my mouse around the screen, it acts like an Etch-A-Sketch,
repainting (though not consistently) the form, etc. I can actually do
things like closing and saving the form using keys.
I have to shut down Access entirely and re-open it in order to get my
forms, etc. to display again.
I am running Access 2003 (11.6566.8132) SP2
Things I have tried to fix this so far:
Compacting and Repairing
Decompiling and Recompiling
Starting over with a new DB and importing all of my bits and pieces.
Turning off Name AutoCorrect
Any other suggestions?
Anyone else seen this?