Database Window Disappears on Error

Database Window Disappears on Error

am 19.10.2007 21:56:06 von Patrick A

If anyone has seen this happen or can help me figure it out, I'll feel
less like I'm going nuts.

I have a multi-form DB with some code in it. I've been working on it
for a couple of months now.

Over the last week, a strange thing began happening. My database
window, Access toolbars, etc. began disappearing.

The bizarre behavior occurs when I add some new code - nothing
dramatic, say an OnChange event that sets a control value - and I get
the code wrong - misspelling the name of the control for instance.

What used to happen is a standard dialog box would pop, tell me what
the error is, give me a chance to correct it by going into the code.

What now happens is...well, all of that still happens, but when I
close the Visual Basic [code]window, literally nothing is left of my
Access session but the very top title bar.

- No forms, no database window, no Access toolbars - nothing - it's
all gone, baby, gone.

If I move my mouse around the screen, it acts like an Etch-A-Sketch,
repainting (though not consistently) the form, etc. I can actually do
things like closing and saving the form using keys.

I have to shut down Access entirely and re-open it in order to get my
forms, etc. to display again.

I am running Access 2003 (11.6566.8132) SP2

Things I have tried to fix this so far:
Compacting and Repairing
Decompiling and Recompiling
Starting over with a new DB and importing all of my bits and pieces.
Turning off Name AutoCorrect

Any other suggestions?

Anyone else seen this?

Re: Database Window Disappears on Error

am 22.10.2007 19:12:29 von Patrick A

I have been able to replicate this error on another (completely
different) PC.

I can "get around" it by stopping the debugger and using Step Over to
move to the next line before closing the Code window.

But it's still troubling behavior, making me wonder when my DB is
going to fall apart.


Re: Database Window Disappears on Error

am 29.10.2007 04:06:24 von bubbles

On Oct 23, 1:12 am, Patrick A wrote:
> I have been able to replicate this error on another (completely
> different) PC.
> I can "get around" it by stopping the debugger and using Step Over to
> move to the next line before closing the Code window.
> But it's still troubling behavior, making me wonder when my DB is
> going to fall apart.
> Patrick

Perhaps you have set some startup options, and forgot about it.
Try this:

* Close the database (if it is still open).

* To open the database, hold down the SHIFT key, then double click the
icon that opens your database.
Keep the SHIFT held down until the database opens. You should see
the database window.
* From the menu bar, click Tools --> Startup

On the startup dialog box, check the checkboxes of options that you
want displayed.
For example, you might want to check the following:
[X] Display database window
[X] Allow Built-in toolbars



Re: Database Window Disappears on Error

am 30.10.2007 21:45:01 von Patrick A


Thanks for your reply.

Nope, no startup options are set. And the behavior is such that the
menus, buttons, etc. that disappear were there the moment before the
code error was encountered.

Still stumped...