Counter param value not passed from one sub to another
am 19.10.2007 04:14:24 von ben.rogersHowdy,
I count some items in someSub, and I can print to STDOUT ok. In other
words, $uniqueitem_counter has a value. I then call showCounters which
should display a string and the value of $uniqueitem_counter. However,
it only shows the string. I've stared at this for quite a while and
just can't grasp why $uniqueitem_counter isn't showing up in the UI
when I know it has a value.
###### Sub in which counting occurs.
sub someSub {
bunch of code
print STDOUT ("Found $uniqueitem_counter unique items."); # Prints
showCounters("Unique items found:", $uniqueitem_counter);
########### Panel to display count result.
my $belowTabsUISub4 = $belowTabsUISub2 -> Frame()-> pack();
sub showCounters($$) {
$belowTabsUISub4 -> Label(-text => $_[0])-> pack(); # Prints
$belowTabsUISub4 -> Label(-textvariable => $_[1],-fg => 'red')->
pack(); # Doesn't print.