HttpComponents TLP discussion rekindled

HttpComponents TLP discussion rekindled

am 21.10.2007 08:41:37 von Roland Weber

Hi all,

for your information, I've started another HttpComponents TLP
discussion on httpcomponents-dev. This time, it's for HC alone.
No offense, but reviving the Slide community around the
WebDAV client codebase is a challenge of it's own, and one
we'd rather not tackle at the same time as the TLP move.
We still feel that a WebDAV client would be a good complement
to our current codebase. However, Oliver as the only volunteer
that joined the last discussion will not be able to handle the
move and revival without significant help from us. So we want
to be heading TLP first, and come back later to see what we
can do about Slide. Everything else would be stretching our
resources too thin.

Anyone interested in the future of HttpComponents, please
participate in the discussion and share your thoughts over
at httpcomponents-dev@jakarta.a.o.
